Lesson Plan

Problem Solving at Home

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The final lesson in the "Problem Solving Module" focuses on finding creative solutions to problems that might arise at home. Individuals then create a storyboard that illustrates how they would apply the six-step problem-solving process to their problem. Participants then display their work in a gallery walk exercise.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Set aside extra prep time to locate a movie or TV clip showing teens involved in a problem at home
  • Consider displaying the posters around the school and or in the school library if pupils give their permission
Classroom Considerations
  • The last of four lessons in the "Problem Solving Module"
  • Requires projection equipment to show the video clip
  • Sticky notes, a balloon, art supplies, and poster boards are also required
  • The module ends with participants applying the problem-solving techniques to a problem they face
  • None