Rice University
Community in History
The citizens of Indpendence Heights near Houston, Texas were the subjects of this NEH-funded community history project, which is designed for students to gain a holistic sense of the role of history in understanding the world around...
Georgia Humanities Council and the University of Georgia Press.
New Georgia Encyclopedia: Atlanta Race Riot of 1906
Article that retells the story behind the Atlanta race riots of 1906 where white mobs killed and wounded dozens of blacks in reaction to newspaper headlines of alleged assaults of white females by blacks, general racial tensions, the...
Georgia Humanities Council and the University of Georgia Press.
New Georgia Encyclopedia: Atlanta Compromise Speech
An interesting article gives the background and ramifications of the Atlanta Compromise speech given by Booker T. Washington in 1895.
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Letter From Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr.
This site will let you hear from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his own words in a letter written from a Birmingham jail cell in April of 1963. In this letter, Dr. King defends himself against accusations that he is an "outsider" and...
Pbs: American Experience: Interview With John Hope Franklin Discussing the Kkk
Historian John Hope Franklin discusses the KKK's beginnings and opposition to education for the freedmen in the period after the Civil War.
Pbs: American Experience: The Murder of Emmett Till
The murder of Emmett Till was a major catalyzing event in the Civil Rights Movement. Here you will find extensive information on the murder, trial, and the ramifications of both.
Pbs: Eyes on the Prize: "No School in Our State Will Be Integrated"
In this 1962 speech, Mississippi governor Ross Barnett defies the Supreme Court's order to admit James Meredith to the University of Mississippi claiming the federal government was interfering in a state matter.
University of California
History Project: Chicago Race Riot, 1919
This instructional activity for high school students explores the race riot in Chicago in the summer of 1919. Students are asked to explain the reasons for the riot and address the questions in the instructional activity. Included are...
Duke University
Conscience of a Nation: John Hope Franklin on African American History
An exhibition on African-American history that is inspired by the work of John Hope Franklin (1915-2009), an African-American scholar who studied the historical roots of racial prejudice. The exhibit presents primary documents, texts,...
Pbs: Unforgivable Blackness
Online companion to Ken Burns documentary about boxing legend Jack Johnson. Very extensive site that gives you the life story of Johnson and the challenges he faced. Can be used as a companion to the PBS documentary.
Pbs: Beyond Brown: Pursuing the Promise
PBS always provides an excellent website! This time they turn their attention to the famous Brown case. Site presents educational photos and narrative about the long road to Brown and the long road ahead.
Pbs Newshour Extra: Nyt Runs Never Before Published Photos
Article reports on the decision of the New York Times to publish for the first time many photos that contribute to the understanding of African American history in the United States. Includes a video.
Sweatt v. Painter Archive
This site has just about everything one might want to know in an investigation of the important Supreme Court decision in Sweatt vs. Painter.
Bringing History Home: Segregation History
This 3rd grade unit introduces children to the history of segregation, from the end of the Civil War in 1865 through the 1940s. Its content bridges the period between slavery and the peak of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and...
Arche: Atlanta in the Civil Rights Movement
This site represents the first phase of a civil rights project. It highlights Atlanta's role in the movement from 1940 to 1970, provides a timeline of key events, and offers information on other civil rights printed and online resources....
Civil Rights Movement Veterans: Rock Hill and Charlotte Sit Ins
Timeline is provided from May, 1954 when the Supreme Court rules "separate but equal" is unconstitutional to 1982 when Friendship College closes it doors. Brief entries for each important date of the sit-in movement, including the Rock...
In Pursuit of Freedom & Equality: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Teachers and students can find a comprehensive summary of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case. Learn about the myths and find out the truth. The activities offered are especially meaningful. Students can perform a...
Historical Thinking Matters: Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Consider incorporating this lesson, with its probing questions and video, to enrich teaching about the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Emory University
Emory University: Invisible Legacy
An article discussing how George Wallace will be remembered in history because of his changing views from a "pro-segregation" racist to a backer of civil rights.
Powerful Days in Black and White
Powerful and shocking black and white photographs from the civil rights struggle.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Separate Is Not Equal: White Only
This section from the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History's exhibition Separate Is Not Equal: Brown v. Board of Education gives the history of Jim Crow laws and how they affected not only the voting rights of...
The March on Washington and Its Impact : Lesson Plan
Learn about the social conditions in the United States that led up to the Civil Rights Movement. Also, explore peaceful resistance and the immediate impact of the march.
Nbc Learn: Finishing the Dream: 1960 1962: Freedom Fighters
A collection of archival video clips covering protests against racial segregation in the United States in the period 1960-1962. Features clips on the Greensboro sit-in at Woolworth's lunch counters, Freedom Riders who fought bus...
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Read about the life of the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Includes video.