Space Awareness
Navigating with the Kamal
Historians have proven that as early as 1497 skilled navigators were using a kamal to sail across oceans. Scholars learn about navigation tools and astronomy before building their own kamals. They then learn how to use it to determine...
Curated OER
Understanding Latitude and Longitude
Teaching learners about latitude and longitude can get a little complicated. Present the concept by first representing it as a graph. Just like finding a location on a graph using the x and y-axis, learners will be able to locate items...
Latitude and Longitude Differentiated Lesson Plan
Scholars warm-up their map skills with a discussion using location words to describe familiar places. An engaging video informs class members about latitude and longitude. Three leveled activities extend the learning experience for...
Space Awareness
The Sun Compass of the Vikings
Evidence shows the Vikings likely navigated by using a simple sundial to find their course. Videos, a short story, and discussion help bring this time period to life as they study European history with a hands-on experiment. Scholars...
Space Awareness
Navigation in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond
Ancient texts, like Homer's Odyssey, mentions navigating ships by observing constellations. Pupils learn about the link between history and astronomy as they relate to navigation in the Bronze Age. Scholars complete two hands-on...
Space Awareness
Britannia Rule the Waves
Could you determine longitude based on measuring time? Early explorers used a longitude clock to do just that. Scholars learn about early exploration and the importance of the invention of the clock. Then pupils build their own longitude...
Space Awareness
How To Travel On Earth Without Getting Lost
Have you ever wanted to travel the world? Take a virtual trip with a geography lesson that uses longitude and latitude, the position of the sun, an astronomy app, and a classroom globe.
Ocean Exploration
Where am I? The second installment of a 23-part NOAA Enrichment in Marine sciences and Oceanography (NEMO) program starts with pupils guessing the years in which major ocean exploration events took place. The lesson then focuses on how...
Geophysical Institute
Latitude and Longitude with Google Earth
Travel the world from the comfort of your classroom with a lesson that features Google Earth. High schoolers follow a series of steps to locate places all over the earth with sets of coordinates. Additionally, they measure the distance...
K12 Reader
Where On Earth Are You?
What do we use to determine the exact locations on the earth? Your kids can learn all about compass roses and latitude and longitude. Test understanding with the five reading comprehension questions included on the page.
Curated OER
Geography Terms
Introduce the terms and concepts related to basic map and geography skills. Terms include full definitions and cover latitude, longitude, the Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Prime Meridian, and the International Date Line.
Kate Stickley
Reading the World: Latitude and Longitude Lesson latitude and longitude, maps, coordinates on a map, prime meridian, reading maps, equator, globes
Find five activities all about longitude and latitude! Use oranges to show the equator and prime meridian, plot birthdays on a map using coordinates, and plan a dream vacation.
Curated OER
A Map as a Tool
Learners study the concept of using a map as a tool with the usage of a balloon designed to mimic the features of the Earth with the major features marked and shown on the balloon.
Curated OER
Longitude-Dava Sobel
In this longitude worksheet, students read about how to determine the longitude of location while at sea and they answer 5 questions about calculating longitude.
Curated OER
In this latitude and longitude worksheet, students complete 10 matching questions identifying key features or locations on a map. Students also use lines of latitude and longitude to identify the time in 4 different places.
Curated OER
Tear the Continents
Young scholars tear paper into representative continent shapes and configure them with world oceans through relative location, direction and latitude and longitude starting points. They recognize the shape of the continents. Students...
Curated OER
Exploring the World's Geography
Students discuss the seven continents of Earth and the diverse geography. After discussion, they create their own paper-mache globes which properly display all seven continents, the equator, and the prime meridian. They conduct research...
Curated OER
Understanding Latitude, Longitude, and Time Zones
Students take an imaginary world tour by locating cities with latitude and longitude. They plan an itinerary and calculate the time zones from which they would call home. Then they construct word problems involving travel across time zones.
Curated OER
In this globe worksheet, learners learn how longitude is measured on a globe. Students read the information before answering 5 questions. A globe will be required.
Curated OER
Latitude Longitude Skills
In this latitude and longitude worksheet, students determine the number of degrees between the equator and specific latitude points. Students to the same for the longitude points from the Prime Meridian. This worksheet has 3 problems to...
Curated OER
Maps: Latitude and Longitude
Students visit interactive sites focusing on latitude and longitude. They participate in activities about the prime meridian, time zones, and equator. They view the coordinates of states and cities.
Curated OER
Earth Matters
Students identify Earth's equator, prime meridian, lines of latitude, lines of longitude, parallels, and meridians.
Curated OER
In this map worksheet, students review latitude, longitude, equator, and prime meridian. This worksheet has 5 matching and 8 fill in the blank questions.