Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Reading the World: Latitude and Longitude Lesson latitude and longitude, maps, coordinates on a map, prime meridian, reading maps, equator, globes activity also includes:
Find five activities all about longitude and latitude! Use oranges to show the equator and prime meridian, plot birthdays on a map using coordinates, and plan a dream vacation.
Additional Tags
Instructional Ideas
- For the orange-peeling activity, demonstrate the accuracy of a globe over a flat map by cutting the orange peel off with a knife in slices so it all comes off in one piece
- For Activity 3, you could use an interactive whiteboard or projection onto a whiteboard
Classroom Considerations
- If you don't have the text mentioned in the first mini-lesson, consider listening to the audio version (linked in additional materials)
- Show the cartoon in Activity 4 as an anticipatory set to discuss what latitude means
- Group and pair activities as well as hands-on modeling makes this an engaging lesson
- Multiple activities could be completed over the course of several days or all at once (if you're really ambitious!)
- Game link in activity 5 for National Geographic for Kids doesn't work
- This is really an outline and will require you to fill out a lot of the details
- Map handouts are not included and will need to be supplemented