Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Teaching Persuasive Text: Writing Persuasive Essays
This resource explores instructional practices for persuasive essay writing in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies classes. It uses original content from the Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies: Focus on...
Thinkport Education
Thinkport: Writing Explanation Part 3: Building an Argument
In this module, students will explore how claims, counterclaims, evidence and reasoning are used to write an effective argument. Students will read an article that addresses the question, "Should Congress consider comprehensive climate...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write a Persuasive Text That Supports a Position
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students about writing a persuasive text to support a position in four mini lessons: Introduction; Just the Facts, Ma'am. Kung Fu Fighting:...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Logic in Argumentative Writing
Tips on organizing and writing an argumentative essay.
Brown University
Brown University: Critical Writing and Thinking
Resource explains exactly what critial writing and thinking are, questions to help you think critically, paper writing tips, troubleshooting, and more.
TES Global
Tes: Writing: For and Against
[Free Registration/Login Required] This TES resource provides four writing prompts for argumentative essay performance assessments. Teachers can edit the prompts if they choose.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Claim Evidence and Reasoning
A slideshow with twelve slides about reading or writing an argument, analyzing the claim and looking at how it is supported with observation, evidence, and reasoning.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Argument and Persuasion
A slide show with fourteen slides with notes, tips, and examples on how to write a persuasive essay.
Colorado State University
Colorado State University: Writing @ Csu Writing Guides
This is a fairly sophisticated series of writing guides. It assumes that users already have a solid grasp of spelling, grammar and mechanics, so it focuses more on organization and types of presentation than on more basic skills....
Utah Education Network
Uen: Argumentative Writing/religions of the World Unit
Sixth graders will study the religions of the world. At the end of the unit, 6th graders will write an argumentative essay on the similarities or differences of two world religions.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Argumentative Writing/wwi & Wwii Unit
In this unit, students will gain background information on historic wars. Student will compare different media forms about these events, attend to different perspectives, research the unit's essential question, and then write an...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Evaluate the Strength of Evidence [Pdf]
This resource provides a downloadable worksheet that will assist students after they read a piece of nonfiction. Students will answer guided questions to help them determine the strength of evidence used when supporting a claim....
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Organize an Argument [Pdf]
This site provides a nonfiction graphic organizer that will help students organize an argument.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Revising the Persuasive Essay: Counterarguments Based on Evidence
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn strategies for evaluating and revising counterarguments that anticipate objections in an essay.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing Counterarguments Based on Evidence (English I Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Write an essay including counter-arguments that anticipate objections.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Academic Argument: Practice: Argumentative Thesis Statements
This practice exercise focuses on recognizing and evaluating argumentative thesis statements.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Tone, Language, and Appeal
This lesson focuses on using tone, language, and appeal to recognize and evaluate rhetorical approaches to building common ground. RI.9-10.4 word meanings/impact of choice
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Formula for Refutation and Rebuttal
This instructional activity focuses on the formula for refuting and rebutting counterarguments including accurately representing opposing viewpoints, using a respectful, non-incendiary tone, using reliable information, using qualifying...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Further Your Understanding: Refutation and Rebuttal
This lesson plan focuses on examples of rebuttal and refutation to improve your understanding.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Structuring Your Individual Arguments
A diagram is provided to help students organize an argument. Assertions, sub-assertions, evidence, and counterarguments are included. Click on page 2 at the bottom to see the functions of the above and page 3 to for a practice activity....
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Thinking Skills
In this self-guided course, you will be looking at several pieces of literature in many different forms. This unit will teach you some principles of thinking and learning and how to use basic literary terms in the analysis of literature....
Quizlet: Elements of an Argument Test
Argument essay terms are included on this test over the following words: argument, claim, support, reasons, evidence, and counterargument. Six multiple choice questions are provided on this assessment.
Quizlet: Elements of an Argument Match
Argument terms are included in this review "Match" game. Questions are provided for the following words in this review exercise. for the following words: argument, claim, support, reasons, evidence, and counterargument.
Quizlet: Elements of an Argument Learn
In this activity, students will type the argument term associated with each definition or example. When given a definition or an example, students will practice identifying the following terms: argument, claim, support, reasons,...