Weather Word Find
Weather isn't just for small talk anymore! Diagonal, horizontal, frontward, backward, up, and down; learners discover the ways 40 weather-related words are hidden in a word search.
Cambridge English
Words Related to Weather: Vocabulary Activities
Study all things weather with a packet of weather vocabulary activities. The 12-page packet includes three crosswords varying in difficulty, a mixed letter sort, a sentence sort, weather word search, and fill-in-the-blank sentences with...
British Council
Weather 2
Young meteorologists answer questions based on the types of weather they experience in the region they live. They also complete a word search to find weather-related terms.
Barbara Kowal
Winter Wordsearch
Compliment vocabulary instruction with a winter-themed word search. Scholars search among letters to discover words such as snowflake, icicles, skate, and other winter-related terms!
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Nature Walk: English Language Development Lessons (Theme 2)
Walking in nature is the theme of a unit designed to support English language development lessons. Scholars look, write, speak, and move to explore topics such as camping, woodland animals, instruments,...
Sunburst Visual Media
Support science instruction with a combination of engaging activities and skills-based worksheets that focus on clouds. Learners take part in grand discussions, write an acrostic poem, complete graphic organizers, solve word...
Rainforest Alliance
How Do Jaguars and Howler Monkeys in Belize Depend on Us?
How does weather play a role in the lives of land and sea creatures? Find out with a lesson plan focused on habitats and the ways animals from different homes are connected. Here, learners explore how the life of a jaguar and...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Let’s Look Around!: Challenge Activities (Theme 3)
Let's Look Around! is the theme of a unit that offers a plethora of challenge activities. Enhance your scholars' learning experiences and reinforce concepts with activities such as writing a book about farm animals, an...
Calvin Crest Outdoor School
Equip young campers with important survival knowledge with a set of engaging lessons. Teammates work together to complete three outdoor activities, which include building a shelter, starting a campfire, and finding directions in the...