Western Kentucky University: The Atomism of Democritus
An essay explaining the atomist beliefs of the philosopher Democritus.
Greek Philosophy: Leucippus and Democritus
This article provides an overview of the atomistic philosophy of the pre-Socratic philosophers Leucippus and Democritus in the 5th and 4th centuries, BCE.
Encyclopedia Mythica
Encyclopedia Mythica: Greek Mythology
Encyclopedia Mythica offers a comprehensive resource on Greek mythology. Content includes a look at the principal gods, Zeus's consorts and offspring, the descendants of Prometheus, and much, much more. Click on "browse articles" for a...
Ancient Greek Philosophy: Democritus of Abdera
A discussion of the theories of Democritus (c. 460-370 BC). He is best known as an atomist, having developed an atomic theory. Also discusses the ideas of other philosophers who are believed to have influenced Democritus.