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Encyclopedia Mythica offers a comprehensive resource on Greek mythology. Content includes a look at the principal gods, Zeus's consorts and offspring, the descendants of Prometheus, and much, much more. Click on "browse articles" for a thorough list of Greek mythology gods, events, and objects. Wonderful pronunciation guide.
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the myth, atlas, atropos, augeas, auxesia, bacchae, balius, basileus, bassarids, baucis, beltis, belus, bia, bistonians, boreads, boreas, briareus, britomartis, brizo, bromios, brontes, byzas, cabari, cabiri, caduceus, caerus, calliope, callirhoe, callisto, calypso, campe, canace, carpus, carya, cassiopeia, cassotis, castalia, catreus, caucasus, cecrops, cedalion, celaeno, celmis, ceneus, centaurs, centimani, cephalus, cephissus, cerberus, cercopes, ceryx, ceto, ceyx, chaos, charites, charon, charybdis, chelone, chimera, chione, chiron, chloe, chloris, chronos, chrysaor, cilix, cimmerians, clarius, cleobis, cleta, clio, clotho, clymene, clytia, clytius, cocytus, coeus, coronis, corybantes, corycian cave, corythus, cottus, cottyto, cratos, crinisus, crius, cronus, curetes, cyclopes, cyllene, cylleneius, cynosura, cynthia, cyone, cyrene, cytherea, dactyls, daimon, damia, damocles, danaides, danaus, daphne, daphnis, dardanus, deimos, deino, delphi, demeter, despina, deucalion, dike, dione, dionysus, dithyrambos, dodona, doris, dorus, dryads, dryope, echidna, echo, efreisone, eileithyia, eirene, elara, electra, eleusinian mysteries, eleusis, eleutherios, elpis, elymus, elysian fields, empusa, enceladus, encyclopedia mythica: greek mythology, endymion, enipeus, enosichthon, enyalius, enyo, eos, epaphus, ephialtis, epicaste, epimenides, epimetheus, erato, erebus, eridanus, erinyes, eris, eros, ersa, erytheia, ethon, eumenides, eunomia, euphrosyne, europa, eurus, euryale, eurydice, eurynome, euterpe, fates, gaia, galatea, ganymede, gemini, geryon, gigantes, glauce, glaucus, gordias, gorgons, graces, graeae, greek gods and goddesses, gyges, hades, haemus, halirrhotius, hamadryads, harmonia, harpies, harpocrates, hebe, hecate, hecatonchires, helene, helenus, heliadae, heliades, helicon, helios, hellen, hemera, hephaestus, hera, hermaphroditus, hermes, herse, hesperia, hesperides, hesperius, hesperos, hestia, himalia, himerus, hippocampus, hippocrene, horae, hyacinthus, hyades, hybris, hygieia, hymen, hyperboreans, hyperion, hypnos, iacchus, iambe, iapetus, iasius, iaso, icarius, icelus, ichor, idaea, ilithyia, inachus, ino, io, ion, irene, keres, kore, kypris, lachesis, ladon, lamia, lampetia, lampos, laodice, laomedon, larissa, leander, leda, lenaeus, lethe, leto, leucippe, leucippus, leucothea, leucothoe, libya, liknites, linus, litai, locrus, lotis, loxias, lyaeus, lycorias, lynceus, lysithea, macaria, machaon, maenads, maera, maia, mania, maro, marsyas, master of animals, medusa, megaera, melete, melia, meliboea, melicertes, melissa, melisseus, melpomene, menippe, menoetius, menthe, merope, metioche, metis, midas, mimas, minoan snake goddess, minos, minotaur, minyas, misenus, mistress of wild animals, mneme, mnemosyne, moira, moirae, momus, mormo, moros, morpheus, musagetes, muses, myrrha, naiads, napaeae, narcissus, nauplius, nausithous, neaera, neleus, nemesis, nephele, nereids, nereus, nestor, nike, nilus, niobe, niobids, notus, nymphs, nyx, oannes, oceanids, oceanus, ocypete, ocyrhoe, oenone, oenopion, oenotrus, ogygia, olenus, olympia, olympus, omphalos, oneiroi, onuris, ophion, oracle, oreads, orithyea, orphne, otus, paean, palaci, palaemon, pallas, pan, panacea, pandia, pandora, pandorus, pandrosus, panopea, panoptes, parthenos, pasiphae, pegasus, peitho, pelasgus, pemphredo, peneus, penia, penthus, perse, persephone, phaeton, phaetusa, phantasos, pheme, phemonoe, pherusa, philammon, philemon, philonoe, philotes, philyra, phlegethon, phobetor, phobos, phoebe, phoebus, phoenix, phorcydes, phorcys, phoroneus, phthonus, pillars of hercules, pirene, pitys, pleione, plutus, podarge, polias, polidarius, polydeuces, polyhymnia, polyphemus, pontus, porphyrion, porus, poseidon, pothos, potnia, priapus, prometheus, proteus, protogenea, protogonus, psamathe, psyche, psychopompos, pygmalion, pyrrha, pythia, python, rhadamanthys, rhea, rhodope, sabazius, sabus, salmacis, sarpedon, satyrs, scamander, scylla, selene, semele, semnai, sibyl, sileni, silenus, sinope, sirens, sisyphus, smintheus, spercheus, sphinx, sterope, steropes, sthenno, styx, styx (river), syrinx, taphius, taras, tartarus, tartessos, taygete, telchines, telemus, telesphorus, telesto, tereus, terpsichore, tethys, thalassa, thalia, thamyris, thanatos, thaumas, thebe, theia, themis, thetis, thoosa, thriae, thyrsus, tisiphone, titanomachy, titans, tmolus, triton, tyche, typhon, urania, xanthus, xuthus, zagreus, zalmoxis, zelus, zephyrus, zethus, zibelthiurdos
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)