Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Headless Statue of Serapis
This headless statue depicts Serapis, sitting on the throne, with his right hand resting on a support.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Seated Statue of Meritites
The statue depicts Meritites sitting on a low-back chair. She wears the tradional sheath dress that reveals the contours of her body and possibly a wide collar around her neck.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Standing Statue of Djedhor
This statue represents Djedhor standing in the traditional pose with the left leg forward. He is wearing a long wig that reaches his shoulders and leaves his ears exposed.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Standing Statue of Rahotep
The statue depicts Rahotep wearing a wig, collar, and a short kilt with a belt under which is his dagger. His hair is painted black and his body is ochre, the traditional color used to depict men's skin.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Statue of a Man and His Wife
This statue portrays a man and his wife, Roy, seated side by side on a high-backed chair.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Statue of Eirenaios, a Priest
Sculpted in black basalt, the statue depicts Eirenaios, a priest who held the position of protector of the Soknopaio Nesos temple. He stands on a base in the traditional Egyptian pose, wearing a three-part vestment.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Statue of the Sacred Apis Bull
The sacred Apis bull was the personification of the Memphite god Ptah of creation and fine arts. The bull's head is crowned by the sun disk and the uraeus (cobra). The sacred animal stands on a bronze base and a wooden sled.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Statue of the Scribe Maa Nefer
This statue shows us an idealized image of an Egyptian official. Maa-Nefer is shown seated with his legs crossed and a partly unrolled papyrus on his knees. He has a very attentive expression on his face, as if listening to his master.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Naophorous Statue
A statue that actually consists of two statues; the first is a kneeling man presenting the second one, which represents Osiris, the god of the dead. The term "naophorous statue" is derived from the word "naos" which means "shrine" in...
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Shawabti of Setau
The shawabti is a statuette that is intended to perform work in place of the deceased in the underworld. This shawabti portrays Setau in the shape of a mummy. He holds a hoe and a seed bag and wears bracelets and a broad collar.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Sphinx of Memphis
The Sphinx of Memphis is considered to be one of the most beautiful sphinxes in Egypt. It is known as the "Alabaster Sphinx" because it is made of that stone.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Block Statue of Hor Sa Iset
This block statue of Hor-Sa-Iset depicts him squatting on a low base with his arms crossed on his knees. He holds a plant sculpted with full details.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Block Statue of Khnum Ib Re
This statue is an idealized representation of Khnum-Ib-Re. A hieroglyphic text appeals to the living to recite an offering formula for his sake.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Block Statue of Pedamunopet
Pedamunopet is portrayed crouching with his arms folded on his knees beneath his cloak.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Block Statue of Sobek Nakht
The block statue is depicting Sobek-nakht with both hands folded above his knees. He wears a tight dress showing his hands and feet.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Block Statue of Yamu Nedjeh
This statue shows the high official Yamu-nedjeh squatting on the ground with his knees drawn in toward his chest. His arms are crossed on his legs, which are enveloped in a cloak.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Kneeling Statue of Senenmut
The statue depicts Senenmut enveloped in a long robe with the symbol of Hathor around his head. Senenmut was the most favored and influential person at the court of Queen Hatshepsut.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Royal Statue of Harpocrates
The statue portrays Harpocrates in his royal form as a young man in the nude. He stands on a base with his left leg forward, wearing a crown and a necklace.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Schist Statue of God Osiris
This schist statue of the god Osiris was dedicated for him by the chief scribe Psammetik. It shows the god Osiris in his traditional form of a mummy, covered in a close-fitting garment and wearing his famous Atef crown.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Seated Statue of Inty Shedu
Inty Shedu is depicted seated on a backless seat. He wears a short flared wig, a blue and white collar, and a short kilt. His eyes, nose, and mouth are prominent.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Standing Statue of Padi Hor
This statue of the priest Padi Hor represents him standing on a low base with his left leg forward and and wearing a long garment bearing the figure of Osiris on the front.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Standing Statue of Padiamun
Padiamun is shown in the classical standing position found in statues of Old and New Kingdom kings.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Standing Statue of Thouomun
This standing statue depicts Thouomun wearing a wide wig that leaves his ears exposed.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Statue of Amun and Horemheb
The statue depicts the god Amun protecting King Horemheb.