Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Share Knowledge: Fact Bank [Pdf]
This graphic organizer can be used to collect facts during a research task prior to writing about the topic or sharing what was learned in a discussion. Students will place facts in the boxes and then number the facts, according to the...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Compartir Saber: Banco De Hechos [Pdf]
This graphic organizer, written in Spanish, can be used to collect facts during a research task. Students will place facts in the boxes and then number the facts, according to the level of importance.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Can Contrast and Evaluate Fact, Opinion [Pdf]
This site provides a poster that will guide students as they contrast and evaluate facts and opinions. Guiding questions and student prompts are provided.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: I Can Locate and Classify Information [Pdf]
A blank T-Chart is provided for students to use as they sort facts into two categories. Students will classify science information with this aid.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Interpreta La Historia [Pdf]
Students will read about a historical event and then illustrate their interpretations. Questions are included to extend the students' comprehension of the events. This activity is written in Spanish.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Interpet History [Pdf]
Students will read about a historical event and then illustrate their interpretations. Questions are included to extend the students' comprehension of the events.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Lecto Fluido [Pdf]
This fluency graphic organizer for reading speed and comprehension will be used to record reading times and what they learned. Guiding questions are included to help students reflect about what they learned. This resource's prompts are...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Illustrate a Text [Pdf]
This module includes links to pages that can be used to illustrate a text. Links to an illustration planner, picture meaning, and show vs. tell resources are included.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Picture Meaning [Pdf]
Students will read a piece of fiction or nonfiction. Then students will illustrate the meaning of the text of this graphic organizer.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Dibuja El Significado [Pdf]
Students will read a piece of text and then make an illustration to communicate their understanding This resource has been a translated into Spanish.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Take Show and Tell [Pdf]
Students will use this graphic organizer to show their understanding of what they have read. Afterward, students will share the illustrations with their peers and explain how their pictures connect to the text.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Expand Story or History Text Based Dialog[pdf]
Students will use graphic organizers to help them make inferences about historical figures' feeings and motives. Students will summarize the information during an extension activity.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Guided Reading/listening Ques: Nonfiction[pdf]
This graphic organizer will assist students with taking notes connected nonfiction content. After taking notes with the graphic organizer, students will ask guiding questions listed on the sheet.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: I Can Identify and Infer Character Traits[pdf]
A poster offers guiding questions to help students with identifying character traits. Guiding questions are also provided to help them support their inferences about the character traits.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Identify/infer Character Traits [Pdf]
This page contains links for three graphic organizers. Students will use graphic organizers to identify character traits, infer character traits, and support inferences with text evidence.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: I Can Classify and Infer When I Read [Pdf]
This site contains links to two graphic organizers to guide and assess the understanding of nonfiction text in science and social studies.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizers [Pdf]
This learning module contains postable questions to show when students will compare and contast content and points of view.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Dramatize a Situation [Pdf]
This graphic organizer will help students plan a drama that is based on a story or a historical event. Students will complete a graphic organizer, answer guiding questions, and write a play based on the content.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Evaluate Information [Pdf]
Links to graphic organizers, provided in English and Spanish, are provided to assist students as they work with nonfiction information. A nonfiction graphic organizer is available to help students evaluate decisions of people. Another...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Classify Facts and Opinions [Pdf]
Students will find three lessons about facts and opinions in this learning module. The following topics are linked in the module: contrast and evaluate fact and opinion; classify facts and opinions; and locate and classify facts.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: I Can Draw Conclusions: History Analysis [Pdf]
Students can use these guiding questions as they complete two graphic organizers about a historical event. Students will then ask guiding questions about the historical event to draw conclusions about the historical event.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Identify Important Info When I Read [Pdf]
Links to self-assessment activities for content area fluency activities are found on this resource. Students will read, time themselves, and record facts. Students will improve their reading rates and levels of comprehension.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Make/explain an Inference [Pdf]
In this learning module, students will find links to five graphic organizers. Students will be able to use the resources to help them make inferences...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Organize an Argument [Pdf]
This site provides a nonfiction graphic organizer that will help students organize an argument.