Media Smarts
Media Smarts: Your Connected Life: A Teen's Guide to Life Online [Pdf]
This guide is designed to help students who are just entering high school balance the demands their offline life with their digital one. The guide offers practical advice on a variety of activities kids like to do online, including...
The Entertainment Software Rating Board
This site provides content ratings of software and online gaming sites. Ratings provide information about possible inappropriate content and gives approximate age levels for each game or website. A great resource for parents.
Free Downloads Center: Educational Games
A comprehensive collection of educational video games.
Kids Click: Online Games Board
Match your skill in checkers against the computer. There are links to other educational board games that can be used in the classroom.
Microsoft Xna
"Microsoft XNA" is designed to help game studios and publishers develop better games, more effectively, on all platforms." Also read about XNA Build, XNA Framework, and XNA Studio.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Scenes?
Many games and visualizations have "scenes" and they need some way of managing those "scenes". This article explains scenes and provides examples.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Buttons?
A button is an area that you click on a webpage to make something happen. This article is an introduction to buttons and provides example programs to see how they use buttons.
Childnet: Online Safety: Secondary: Ages 11 18
Welcome to the Childnet Hub for young people aged 11-18. Choose a topic from the list of 20 for more information and help and advice about online safety and usage. It includes cyberbullying, gaming, fake news, live-streaming, phishing...
Childnet: Online Safety: Gaming
Gaming involves playing 'video games' on a games console (such as a PlayStation 4, XBOX One, or Nintendo Switch) a PC or mobile games on a smartphone or tablet. This site includes a list of questions, answers to the questions, and tips...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Video Game Usage and Aggressive Behavior
This study resource from Khan Academy provides practice questions for the MCAT. "Video Game Usage and Aggressive Behavior" questions are provided on this resource.
Wikipedia: Video Game
This site contains a Wikipedia description of Video (Computer) Gaming.
Gamedev: Gaming Resources for Beginners
This is an informative resource for beginning game programmers, in which they can learn what it takes to become a professional programmer.
Problem Solving/negotiation
This site is an advertisement, but it has some good information regarding the negotiation process, e.g., seven steps that are common to all negotiations.