Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Multimedia Careers
Learners may be surprised that Computer Careers aren't all found under "Computer" in the Occupation Handbook. Students will conduct guided research of careers related to Multimedia Design and/or Multimedia Publication course objectives....
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: How Wide Is My World?
Students will learn how to gather information, design, and create a presentation, publication, and a web page that reflect a desire for the students to make a difference in their world. Essential components of each multimedia will be...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Dressing the Part
Dress code requirements in business and school are always a controversial topic. In this project students will research the value of dressing appropriately for a variety of settings to include business and school. They will research...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Ctso Recruitment for the "Tech Savvy"
Career Tech Student Organization (CTSO) should be an integral part of Commerce Information Technology courses. This lesson will allow students to take an active role in promoting their CTSO organization. This lesson is an ideal teamwork...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: A Collage That Illustrates a Special Event
Creating composite pictures students learn how to use a graphics program such as Photoshop Elements to composite many pictures into an Event Collage. This is a Commerce and Information Technology Lesson Plan.