Lesson Plan

Alex: Multimedia Careers

Curated by ACT

Students may be surprised that Computer Careers aren't all found under "Computer" in the Occupation Handbook. Students will conduct guided research of careers related to Multimedia Design and/or Multimedia Publication course objectives. They will then focus on one career. The goal is to present the information to someone who isn't familiar with the assignment, as if the student has picked a career and is defending his decision. They will create a presentation in free Google Docs to summarize information about the career, where to get training, accreditation, certification, and a job. This is a commerce and information technology lesson plan. This lesson should be taught near the end of the school year after students have had a taste of the various multimedia skills covered in the class. Students share the presentation and post a link to a Moodle database for easy access.

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Classroom Considerations
  • Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)