Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal: Gandhi's Life in 5000 Words
Very detailed biography of Mohandas Gandhi's life, nicely laid out in stages.
Indian Gandhian Charitable Institution: A Comprehensive Site on Mahatma Gandhi
As the title says, this site has a wide range of information on Mahatma Gandhi, including photos, videos, articles, speeches, letters, etc.
M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
The M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence was founded by Arun Gandhi, fifth grandson of Mohandas Gandhi. Its aim is to promote Gandhi's nonviolent philosophy. There is a biography of Mohandas Gandhi, articles, links, and information...
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Mahatma Gandhi, the Missing Laureate
Although Mahatma Gandhi was nominated five different years for the Nobel Peace Prize, he died before he could receive one. The Nobel Prize Committee differed over whether a prize could be awarded posthumously, and there were...