Museum of Science
The Museum of Science: Gadget Anatomy
This site from The Museum of Science presents some compound machines and asks students to identify which simple machines they are composed of. Students provide their answer and receive immediate feedback.
Elms Environmental Education Center: How to Use a Clinometer
Offers instructions in how to use a clinometer, an instrument used by foresters for measuring angles in order to determine the height of a tree. The mathematics behind a clinometer is also explained.
Native American Art and Technology
Native Tech: Native American Technology and Art
Informational site discusses the technology of Native American crafts and the meaning of those crafts. Touches on everything from pottery to clothing.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Dynamic Paper
Need a pentagonal pyramid that's six inches tall? Or a number line that goes from -18 to 32 by 5's? You can create all those things and more.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Graph Creator
Use this vertex-edge tool to create graphs and explore them. Investigate ideas such as planar graphs, complete graphs, minimum-cost spanning trees, and Euler and Hamiltonian paths.
A&E Television 5 Iron Age Tools and Innovations
New techniques helped make iron stronger -- but there were also innovations in the use of gold, silver and stone. "The earliest iron objects in the world...start showing up around 3000 B.C.," says Nathaniel Erb-Satullo, a lecturer in...
The British Museum
The British Museum: Adze
Contains graphics and a description of a tool used by ancient Egyptians called an adze.
Pbs Teachers: Secrets of Lost Empires Ii: Lever an Obelisk
Utilize an understanding of how a lever works to lift an obelisk, using as few of the weights and support stones as possible in this online interactive activity.
Millersville University: A Tool of the Middle Ages
This site is provided for by the Millersville University. Description of iron and its uses during the Middle Ages. Links to other relevant pages and pictures included.
Ready: Disaster Supply Kit
Suggestions for basic items a family should have on hand in case of disaster is reviewed.
Nasa: Simple Machines
A lesson plan site that contains activities designed to give grades 3 and 4 experiences in using simple machines.
Web Log Analysis, Who's Doing What, When?
Offers ways to handle your web site's traffic using log formats and identifying visits.
Class Flow: Telescope a Scientists Tool
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is designed to teach and extend the concept that telescopes are tools for scientists to study distant objects. Included in this flipchart are websites and an Activote assessment.
Class Flow: Glorious Empty Page
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart prompts us to get excited about the possibilities of the blank page. Read the article by Peter Reynolds and begin to,"light the flame" of your own creativity. This is the time to play,...
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Colonial Williamsburg: The Geddys Family of Tradesmen
Links provide you with the story of one colonial silversmith's family. The occupation and impact on family is discussed.
Science Fiction Writer: Robert J. Sawyer: "On Writing": Word Processing Tricks
Science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer shares his word processing tricks and tools for proofreading and editing a manuscript. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.6 Use technology to produce and publish writing
EL Education
El Education: Our Book of Tools
Students choose a tool from a photograph and then become an expert on that tool. Through field visits to a hardware store, interviews with community members, and descriptive writing exercises, students learn the use of each tool....