Free Reading
Free Reading: Amplify Education, Inc.: Introduce Reading Connected Text
An exciting introduction to reading! The instructor writes a simple, one-line story on the board from literature, and the students learn to sound out the words.
Auburn University
Auburn University: How Children Learn to Read Words
How do children really learn to read words? This resource offers insight into this complicated but exciting journey of putting sounds and words together to learn the joy of reading. Come and discover more.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Activities for Struggling Readers
How can you help the struggling readers in your classroom? This site offers some insight into activities to help develop your students reading skills.
Nclr: The Essentials of Teaching Reading
Find out what the essentials are for teaching reading. This site provides vital information for teachers in developing the most successful reading program for their students.
How to Study: Strategy for Reading Textbooks
This site gives a method, called SQRW, that can help you with your reading. It is very similar to SQ3R.