Ad Blending Multiple Genres in Theme Baskets
The theme-basket concept of literature instruction combines several approaches known to work with marginalized readers, students with learning disabilities, and ELLs: 1) a thematic approach to teaching literature, 2) the use of...
Ad Grouping Students Who Struggle With Reading
There are a variety of grouping formats that have been proven effective for teaching reading to students with learning disabilities: whole class, small group, pairs, and one-on-one. This article summarizes the research and implications...
Ad Summer Bridge Programs
More students fail ninth grade than any other grade and many of these students ultimately drop out. Can pre-emptive interventions lead to increased graduation rates? Emerging evidence suggests that eight-grade transition programs...
Ad Strategies to Improve High Schools
Research suggests six reform strategies that may help high schools better prepare students for college-level work and the workforce: planning at the state and district levels; rigorous curricula; real-world relevant curricula; improving...
Ad A Closer Look: Closing the Performance Gap
The performance gap - what students are expected to do versus what they can do - is compounded each year a child falls short of acquiring expected skills. As a result, underachieving high school students are at great risk for academic...
Ad Rethinking Schools: An Introduction to New York City's Experience
Only half of New York City's public school students complete high school in four years, one- third of all 9th graders fail, and fewer than 40% of students in large, low-performing schools graduate. To address student needs and thereby...
Ad Rethinking High School: Five Profiles of Models for Student Success
Only 68% of all students entering high school nationwide will earn their diploma. The news for students from historically underserved populations is even worse. These students have slightly more than a 50% chance of graduating from high...
Ad Boys and Books
The statistics are consistent: Young male readers lag behind their female counterparts in literacy skills. This article looks at the social, psychological, and developmental reasons why, and suggests solutions - including the need for...
Ad Solution Shop: A Counseling and Study Skills Program for Middle School
Solution Shop is a counseling and study skills program designed to address the academic needs of struggling middle school students. In this program, the school counselor serves the critical role of developing and providing appropriate...
Ad Guidelines for Teaching Students to Read and Write Well:six Features
Building on their research in secondary classrooms, the Center on English Learning and Achievement has developed guidelines that describe six essential features of effective literacy instruction and how teachers can implement them.
Ad Preparing for an Iep Meeting
This checklist prepared by the PACER Center will help parents prepare for and get the most out of Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings with the school staff.
Ad My Son's Disability, and My Own Inability to See It
This is a cautionary tale, not just for people who have no real idea of what a learning disability is and probably suspect the whole thing is an overindulgent scam, but also for any parent of a child struggling mightily through school.
Ad Imbedding Adolescent Literacy in Out of School Time Programs
How can structured out-of-school (OST) time programs provide more support to students and schools in advancing literacy skills? How might these programs incorporate adolescent literacy development activities, while preserving their...
Ad Types of Adolescent Literacy Initiatives in Ost Programs
Enhancing adolescents' literacy abilities in structured out-of-school time (OST) programs is a growing area of interest among OST enrichment providers. Schools and community-based agencies have developed a host of after-school remedial...
Ad A Beach Bag Full of Summer Learning Resources
Learning shouldn't stop just because school is out. Here are some ideas to keep students reading, writing and thinking all summer long.
Ad Adolescent Literacy in Afterschool and Summer Programs
The Center for Summer Learning examines the characteristics of effective summer learning opportunities, gives examples of high-quality programs, and presents an agenda for improving such programs.
Ad Engaging Family & Community in Afterschool and Summer Programs
Informal literacy experiences often serve to shape young people's identity as readers and writers as much as or more than formal schooling.Community and family support can emphasize the importance of reading and writing, build...
Ad Professional Development Helps Support Adolescent Literacy
Learn about several efforts underway to increase the training and professional development options available to out-of-school-time staff, including seasonal workers.
Ad Afterschool Achievement: Strengthening Literacy and Other Skills
What can afterschool programs offer that the regular school day can't? To build literacy skills and school achievement, think outside the classroom.
Ad A Sample Rubric for Grading Student Writing
All written work should be assessed using a rubric. Using a set of criteria linked to standards not only allows for uniform evaluation, but helps students understand what is important about an assignment and encourages them to reflect on...
Ad Literacy Practices Interview
Literacy practices interviews are informal assessments that elicit information on students' reading and writing activities, including their free-time reading habits, their access to books, and their attitudes toward reading and writing....
Ad A Sample Literacy Process Interview Protocol
Literacy process interviews are informal assessments designed to gauge how readers and writers think about their work as they are engaged in it. Participants' responses aren't scored, but are used to guide program educators as they teach...
Ad Lunchroom to Classroom: Authentic Assessment & the Brown Bag Exam
A Brown Bag Exam uses found objects and images to help students activate prior knowledge and creates a framework for students to express their understanding. Students work individually and in collaboration to create concrete connections...
Ad What Should an Assessment System Look Like?
The developmental nature of reading means that diagnosing the reading comprehension ability of adolescents is more challenging than diagnosing reading comprehension among third graders. In particular, assessments should not only capture...