Curated OER
The Paragraph
Review the components of a well-written paragraph with your class. Be sure your writers include a topic sentence supported with main ideas and followed by a conclusion. Unity, coherence, and transition words are emphasized. Experiment...
Curated OER
Thesis Statements
Develop an understanding of main ideas and thesis statements with your class by using this step-by-step presentation. The concepts presented will guide learners through essay focus, main idea, central points, coherency, and proper...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Causation
In this comprehensive interactive tutorial you will learn about cause and effect in disease occurrence.
Stanford University
Coherence Theory of Truth:stanford Encycl. Of Philosophy
Clear, concise introduction to various coherence theories of truth. Author explains several versions of the theory, the arguments for and against them, while avoiding too much philosophical jargon. Includes bibliography.
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online
Literacy Education Online (or LEO) is a great place to start if you need help with your writing. The homepage is organized around kinds of problems or questions you might have concerning your writing. Find your problem, click on the...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: General Writing Resources
This helpful resource details the process of writing, including how to plan, write, and revise. Content also includes the different types or genres of writing, and exercises in grammar and mechanics.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Editing for Coherence and Transition
In this lesson, students will learn how to edit sentences so they move seamlessly from one to another within a paragraph; however, they can use the same methods to ensure that paragraphs move seamlessly from one to another in an entire...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: On Paragraphs
A comprehensive approach to writing coherent paragraphs and knowing how to transition between paragraphs.
Grammarly Handbook: Transitions and Transitional Devices
This Grammarly Handbook resource provides information about how to use transition words and transitional devices to connect sentences, paragraphs, and sections in an essay.
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr College: Suggestions for Organizing and Writing Papers
This writing lab tutorial offers sound principles for writing papers, beginning with knowing your audience and objective. It covers patterns of organization, outlining, illustrations, writing, abstract, citations, and style.
Grammarly Handbook: Text Level Measurements of Adequate Writing
This Grammarly Handbook resource provides information about how to check for text-level measurements of adequate writing grammar rules in an essay. This resource will explain the importance of the following: readability, lexical density,...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Using Transitional Expressions [Pdf]
Practice tying your sentences and ideas together with this worksheet on transitional expressions. W.9-10.1c cohesion/clarity/reason
Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Writing Center: Using Transitions
This Indiana University of Pennsylvania Writing Center resource provides tips to ensure organizational flow content.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Ottawa: Writing Paragraphs
This site from the University of Ottawa provides a wonderfully designed website that not only gives you exhaustive information on paragraph writing. Students will engage in starting with outlines, writing topic sentences, dividing their...
Indiana University
Indiana University: Writing Services: Incorporating Evidence Into Your Essay
This handout explores how to effectively incorporate evidence to support your claims into your paper. It provides weak and strong examples to show effective ways to incorporate evidence clearly and cohesively. W.9-10.1c...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: Toefl Practice Site: Coherence and Unity
This site discusses coherence achieved through major and minor connector transitions. Examples are given, and there is a link to an exercise meant for the particular class this site was designed for, still useful practice for anyone....
Art Lex: Unity
This site from Artlex provides a brief but effective definition of the Principle of Design known as Unity. There are links to other terms within the definition.
Art Lex: V Page
A brief but effective definition of the Principle of Design known as Variety. There are links to other terms within the definition as well as quotations useful to the topic.
Free Univ. Of Brussels: Introduction to Epistemology
The original interpretation of the history of epistemology considered in light of modern evolutionary theory and cybernetics models. Despite this inclination, the author presents a fair and useful overview of that history with helpful...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Flow: Shorter to Longer
This lesson discusses improving the flow of writing by progressing from shorter elements to longer elements. W.9-10.3c seq/coherent
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Coherence
Discusses the importance of coherence in a composition. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.4. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.1.c
Class Flow: Writing Review
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students will interactively review the following areas of writing: parts of a paragraph; unity, coherence, and elaboration; and the 4 types of writing.
Class Flow: Kickin' It Up!
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart covers the three important areas of writing an essay: Unity, Coherence, and Elaboration. Graphic organizers are given as well as example prompts to practice each organizer with the students.
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Cohesion: Using Repetition and Reference Words
This site gives a brief overview of how to achieve cohesion or coherence in writing. It explains how the repeating of key words and using reference words help tie ideas together. Use link in first paragraph to find charts of transitional...