Pbs: America 1900: William Jennings Bryan's Campaign Strategy
Historian Walter LaFeber discusses William Jennings Bryan's 1900 campaign strategy to win the White House by criticizing the imperialism of the Republican candidate, William McKinley.
University of Maryland
Department of Sociology: Polls Take Commanding Lead in Politics, Business
Article presents a useful discussion on the basics of public opinion polling, problems with the polling process, sources of public opinion data and tips for consumers.
Gallup Home: Gallup
Official homepage of the Gallup Organization. Fascinating look at all sorts of polls.
Pbs Learning Media: Election Central 2016: The Election Process
This link from Election Central 2016 focuses on the Election Process using video clips, lesson plans, teaching materials, and activities having to do with the election process including Campaign Strategy, Getting the Nomination, Election...
Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania State University: Votes
This site from Pennsylvania State University is a well-developed simulation of a political campaign, containing political information and definitions.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Engines of Our Ingenuity: No. 1199: Gallup Poll
An informal, almost light-hearted, discussion of two of the great historical failures of public polling experts. This is a transcript of an accompanying radio broadcast.
Pbs Learning Media: Election Central 2016: Elections Throughout History
This link from the Election Central 2016 website focuses on elections throughout history with the use of primary source documents such as campaign posters, newspaper headlines, and video clips from various Presidential elections...
Pbs Learning Media: Personality or Politics Activity | 60 Second Presidents
In this activity, students learn the important role that both personality and political platform have in shaping presidential elections by watching videos in groups comparing presidents who won on personality and those who won on...
Pbs Learning Media: Meet the 2016 Presidential Candidates: Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students will get to know the candidates running for president and where they stand on important issues. They will create a flow chart documenting the steps a candidate must take to be elected. Then they will conduct...
Cnn: All Politics Debates Bring Out the Best and the Worst I
A 1996 CNN news item reviews some of the famous mistakes made in presidential debates and considers the measures candidates take to make good impressions and avoid spectacular gaffes.
I Civics: Win the White House
Running for the presidency isn't easy! In Win the White House, you get to manage your very own presidential campaign by strategically raising funds, polling voters, launching media campaigns, and making personal appearances. Keep a close...
Pbs Online News Hour: Going Negative
A February 2000 Online NewsHour discussion of "negative" campaigning. A good way to learn about how negative campaigning has been used in elections.
Pbs News Hour: Past Debates
A brief Online NewsHour report highlights some of the classic, and not so classic moments in the history of televised presidential debates. A very interesting glimpse at past debates.
Pbs News Hour: Historical Negativity
An Online News Hour which discusses "negative" political campaigning from a historical perspective.
John Kasich
The official website for the John Kasich for president campaign 2016 offers news and issues about what this candidate stands for.
Pbs Learning Media: Election Central: Campaign Manager: 60 Second Presidents
In this activity, students watch videos to determine the best characteristics of a president in order to develop a campaign around these traits. Students watch videos of specific presidents and then create campaign posters which reflect...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Responding to Comarison/contrast: Unusual Smear Campaigns [Pdf]
In this PDF lesson, students unpack two opposite concepts by creating an imaginary "Smear Campaign," pretending the two concepts are opposing each other in election. Students may create print, radio, or television ads to show how their...
Project Vote Smart: Homepage
Project Vote Smart provides an excellent page of links related to issues which are of interest in American politics.
Pbs Online News Hour: Does Anybody Care?
An October 1996 Online NewsHour program considers the possible impact of "negative" campaign ads. A good debate on this issue.