Missouri Department of Elementary
The Clique
Mean girls and bully packs are favorite topic for films and TV shows that focus on the destructive power of cliques. High school freshmen are asked to reflect on both the positive and negative aspects of cliques by reading a short...
California Department of Education
The Next 6 Years
Six years seems like a long time when you're in seventh grade! But, graduation is closer than they think! The sixth and final college and career readiness lesson plan gets scholars focused on the courses they need to take throughout the...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Putting on Armor
Middle schoolers learn how to protect themselves from risky behaviors with a instructional activity that has them role play several scenarios and demonstrate ways that they might do to stay safe. Class members then use what they have...
Missouri Department of Elementary
My Conflict Shield
As an exercise in self-awareness and improvement, class members create a Conflict Shield listing 12 skills they believe are the most useful in conflict resolution. They then color the ones they have mastered while leaving uncolored those...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Color Your Destiny
Class groups bring feeling words alive by creating a poster that illustrates with images and colors, but not words, the feeling conjured by the word. The posters are then combined into a mural for the classroom wall.
Missouri Department of Elementary
My Action Plan
To complete a study of the importance of developing a positive self-image, high school seniors complete an "Action Plan for Maintaining Who I Am" worksheet. They then submit their finished worksheets for inclusion in their Personal...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Assessing Self-Concept
A "My Self-Concept Report Card" worksheet launches a lesson about the importance of positive self-talk. After completing the worksheet, individuals make a list of the things they would do to improve or maintain a positive self-concept.
Missouri Department of Elementary
Positive Self Talk
Mirror, mirror. Hook sophomores into the benefits of positive self-talk with a lesson that asks them to reflect on the roles they play at home, at school, and in their communities. Class members fill out a “Looking At Me In My...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Putting on Armor
Peers can exert tremendous pressure that can lead to positive and negative consequences. To conclude the Risky Business unit, class members create a Personal Safety Plan. They list things or situations that cause stress, things they have...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Managing Conflicts
Conflicts happen. Learning how to manage conflicts in mature and positive ways is an important part of social-emotion growth. The lesson offers insight into behaviors that exacerbate conflicts as well as suggestions for how to resolve...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Using Negotiation to Settle Difficulties
Negotiating can be a win/win experience if the involved parties apply the skills and techniques offered in a instructional activity about negotiating to settle differences.
Safe Teens
Teen Game Plan
Don't let the teenagers in your class begin their life without a plan. A brief but inclusive booklet takes high schoolers thorough various aspects of their lives, including financial literacy, vaccinations, and sexual health, and lets...
Ohio State University Extension
Teen Leadership
Are the young leaders of tomorrow sitting in your classroom right now? Polish their skills to perfection using a series of teen leadership activities. Each lesson promotes both personal growth and team building, while helping scholars...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Opportunity Knocks, But It Costs, Too!
Sixth graders practice six steps to effective problem solving. Working with the school counselor, class members are presented with a scenario that requires them to make a decision. Individuals then write a reflection in which they...
Making Money
From evaluating the current employment market to building a resume, pupils are introduced to the wide and varied elements of career planning.
California Department of Education
What’s A Hot Job?
What jobs are the next best thing? Curious career scholars explore their options in lesson three of a five-part series. Pupils research job trends and labor statistics before discussing the factors that influence occupation trends.
Overcoming Obstacles
Getting Along
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all learn to get along? Middle schoolers review the skills they have learned in other lessons in the course and apply them to a series of activities. They then create posters illustrating their advice on...
Career Tech
Career Activity File
Pupils design career portfolios, which will demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have acquired during their schooling and personal endeavors, using the wide variety of worksheets and activities provided in this resource.
Ohio National Guard
Emotional Intelligence
Provide teenagers with the social skills they need to live happy lives with this collection of worksheets and activities. Covering a variety of topics from self-awareness and assertiveness, to stress management and problem solving, this...
Preparation for Transitions and Change— Guidance and Career Education
Every hopeful in your class has gone through some kind of life change, from parents' divorce to a death in the family to moving up into another grade. Encourage them to discuss these changes, the skills they used and acquired...
Practical Money Skills
Making Decisions
Money represents decisions: spending decisions, saving decisions, and investing decisions. Encourage young adults to think about the decisions they make with their money in a three-day unit about personal finance, consumer spending, and...
Practical Money Skills
Saving and Investing
You have to have money to make money, especially in the world of banking and investments. High schoolers learn about interest rates, saving and investment options, and ways to stay aware of their money's security and earning ability with...
California Department of Education
What Occupation Interests Me?
Is the secret to success turning an interest into a career? Eleventh graders explore the occupation-interest connection in a career education lesson. Individuals first take an interest inventory and then create a presentation about a...
California Department of Education
My Future Lifestyle
Mortgage, insurance, car payments...how much money will your learners need to support their desired lifestyle? Part three in a six-part college and career readiness lesson plan series tasks young job seekers with creating a monthly...
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