Tesol: Helping Students Understand That Written and Spoken English Are Different
This in-depth article analyzes how teachers can effectively teach students that written language does not always correspond to spoken language. Sample lesson ideas are included. SL.9-10.6 Adapt to task/formal. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.1,...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Using Appropriate Language
Knowing the right language for your particular audience is a necessary skill for all writers. No one wants to offend their audience or appear as though they don't know their content. Learn these rules of thumb to become more familiar...
Bbc: Skillswise: Speaking and Listening: Formal and Informal Speaking
This Skillswise site focuses on formal and informal speaking. Included are a video about how to decide whether to use formal or informal speech, fact sheets and worksheets for instruction. The Skillswise sites from BBC are geared to...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Capitalization (English Ii Writing)
In this lesson, students will learn that the language of casual exchanges on mobile devices is not acceptable in formal writing. They also develop some case sensitivity, the ability to use capital letters appropriately as you proofread...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Appropriate Language
This lesson focuses on using appropriate language in formal writing; it discusses pretentious language, jargon, and cliches. It defines each, provides examples, and explains why and how to avoid each. SL.9-10.6 Adapt to task/formal
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Capitalization (English I Writing)
In this lesson, student learn that the language of casual exchanges on mobile devices is not acceptable in formal writing. They will also develop some case sensitivity, the ability to use capital letters appropriately as they proofread...
Bbc Bitesize Revision: Formal Tone in a Discursive Essay
This page provides several tips for using formal tone in an essay. The tips are arranged into 'Do' and 'Do not use' categories.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Sl.4.6: Differentiate Between Formal and Informal English Contexts
Links to 6 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard SL.4.6: Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small...
Bbc Bitesize: Speaking and Listening: Standard English
Explains what standard English is and when it is used, the difference between formal and informal language, and non-standard forms of English such as those found in dialects.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Informal vs. Formal Uses of English Worksheets
Language is seen as coming in two basic forms - formal and informal. These worksheets will help students identify the different uses of language.
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Conventions
Sharpen your use of the formal conventions of English with this self-guided learning module. The module focuses on formal and informal language, making pronouns agree with their antecedents, and common spelling and grammar errors. At the...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Revision in Business Writing
Persuades the reader of the importance of revision, and outlines the process of good revision: language, tone, organization, and correctness.
Digital Public Library of America
Dpla: Becoming an American
Through primary source documents, learn about the opportunities and pressures immigrants have confronted to "become American," from cultural and educational programs like English language classes and social events to formal citizenship...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Correcting Double Negatives
This slideshow lesson focuses on fixing double negatives. It starts by showing what a double negative really says and how to make it say what they mean. It discusses why they are not used, when they can be used in writing, a list of...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Correcting Double Negatives
This slideshow lesson focuses on double negatives. It includes defining the term, explaining why they aren't used, providing a list of "no" words, offering ways to correct them with examples, and listing steps to eliminate them in writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: One vs. You
This slideshow lesson focuses on the use of "one" and "you." It defines each, explains the differences, tells when to use each, and provides examples.