Text Project
Text Project: Fyi for Kids: Young Inventors: Chester Greenwood [Pdf]
This magazine article explains how Chester Greenwood invented ear warmers when he was 15 years old.
University of Virginia
University of Virginia: Jefferson as an Inventor
This section of a larger site on Thomas Jefferson discusses his involvement in the development of the patent system. Here, read about Jefferson's committment to science and his role as an inventor.
United States Patent and Trademark Office: The Cycle of Invention
Read about the cycle of invention where one invention inspires someone to create another one.
University of California
University of California: Otis Boykin: Inventor
Otis Boykin (1920-1982 CE) is attributed with developing twenty-six electronic inventions, including devices for guided missiles, IBM computers and a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator.
Leonardo Da Vinci the Man & the Inventor
An award winning site containing fantastic information on Leonardo as a man, an artist, and an inventor. You will find detailed analysis of his paintings, a section containing his drawings, articles on his life, designs for many machines...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Super Glue Was Invented: Moments of Vision 8
Today, super glue is a nearly indispensable household item - but its incredibly sticky nature almost caused it to be abandoned in the development phase - twice. Jessica Oreck shares the wartime origins of this sticky substance. [1:53]
Up to Ten: The History of Inventions
Place the inventions on the interactive timeline in chronological order to advance to the next level.
Black Inventor Online Museum: Andrew Beard
A short biography of Andrew Beard, whose invention improved the safety of railroads in the 19th century.
University of California
University of California: Lloyd Augustus Hall: Chemist and Inventor
Brief summary of Hall's inventions and contributions to science.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Inventors and Innovators Improve on the Original
This lesson plan focuses on discussion of inventions, brainstorming new products or improvements, and identifying the protection, production, and marketing processes.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Helen Murray Free
Biography of Helen Free, detailing her life as a chemist and inventor who developed many products for consumer use, including a convenient at-home glocose level test.
Pioneers, Inc.: Black Scientists and Inventors
Find brief descriptions of the inventions of many African-American inventors in many fields in the 19th century.
Black Inventor Online Museum: William Purvis
Read about the African-American inventor, William Purvis, who improved the fountain pen. Included is a list of his other inventions.
African American Inventors Who've Changed Your Life (Pdf) [Pdf]
Integrated lesson plan focusing on the contributions that African American inventors have made to modern society. Includes rationale, day by day plan, links, and other information.
Edison: His Life and Inventions: The Telephone, Motograph, and Microphone
This site offers the text of a book by Frank Dyer and Thomas Martin published in 1929 on the inventions of Thomas Edison. This particular page discusses Alexander Graham Bell's development of the telephone and the controversy over Thomas...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Whitcomb Judson
This site from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides a brief but factual account of the role Whitcomb Judson played in the development of the zipper.
Lemelson Center's Invention at Play: Surgical Robot Inventor
Read a biography of Akhil Madhani, the inventor of the surgical robot, and about his teleoperated surgical instruments.
Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Alberta Online Encyclopedia: Alberta Inventors and Inventions: George Clynch
Read the biography of George Clynch and learn about his 'Laser Digitizer System' that is designed to build socket pieces on custom prosthetics.
Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Alberta Online Encyclopedia: Alberta Inventors and Inventions: Bernie Stene and Lional Desmarais
Learn about Bernie Stene and Lional Desmarais's "Rail Mount Plowing System", a method to lay thousands of kilometres of the cable without disrupting railway traffic.
Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Alberta Online Encyclopedia: Alberta Inventors and Inventions: Grant Skinner
Canada's top Macromedia Flash Developer, Grant Skinner, is highlighted on this site by the Heritage Community Foundation.
Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Alberta Online Encyclopedia: Alberta Inventors and Inventions: Jack Stothart and Howard Fredeen
What is the only breed of farm livestock to originate in Canada? Learn about Jack Stothart and Howard Fredeen and their development of the Lacombe swine.
Pbs: They Made America
Companion site to the four-part series on looking at America through inventors. Focuses on inventors from the early days of the country to modern day. From Robert Fulton and Samuel Colt, to Ted Turner and Russell Simmons, this site...
Edison Birthplace Museum: Patents Granted to Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison is one of the world's greatest inventors and has been responsible for more inventions than any other inventor. Here is a chronological listing of the over 1,000 patents he was granted during his lifetime.
Pbs: Who Made America? Willis Carrier
Find information about the life and work of Willis Carrier, the inventor of the air conditioner, at this PBS site devoted to the role of technology in society. Site visitors can locate Carrier on a timeline, along with other...