Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Jupiter
Images of Jupiter and its moons. Thumbnails lead to small JPEG graphic files. Some link to large, high-resolution TIFF files. Nearly all have a detailed caption file link.
Wikipedia: Jupiter
Wikipedia, a publicly-maintained encyclopedia, provides information on the planet Jupiter, including physical characteristics, exploration, moons, comet impact, and more.
National Earth Science Teachers Association
Windows to the Universe: Origin of Jupiter's Rings
University of Michigan and Windows to the Universe offers information showing that with the help of the Galileo spacecraft, scientists figured out that the rings are made from dust that was kicked off of the small moons surrounding...
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: Europa
View pictures and links to more information about Jupiter's moon Europa. Links are also provided throughout for additional information on related subjects.
Nasa: Jupiter: Moons: Elara
Statistics and general information about the thirteenth moon of Jupiter. One statement sums it up: "Very little is known about Elara."
Nasa Jpl: Galileo Legacy Site
This site from NASA provides a detailed overview for the Galileo mission to Jupiter. Content ranges from the mission description to Jupiter images to educational resources.
University of Oregon
University of Oregon: Io, Moon of Jupiter
Statistics and general information about the volcanic moon of Jupiter. Good comparison, with graphics, of Io's volcanoes and Earthly geysers.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Jupiter
This thorough site presents a wealth of facts about the fifth largest planet. Topics you will find discussed include size, mass and gravity, length of day, orbit, moons, and more. Various Jupiter activities are found on this site such as...
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Jupiter
A triple eclipse crossing the face of Jupiter on 2 Feb 98. This set of five images captures the passage of the shadows of Io, Callisto, and Ganymede across the face of Jupiter.
Nasa: Io: Overview: Volcanic Moon
Find out about most volcanically active world in the Solar System, Jupiter's moon named Io.
Nasa: Space Place: High Tide on Io!
What's it like on Jupiter's moon, Io? Find out in this short, illustrated tutorial.
Nasa: Sulfuric Acid Found on Europa
This NASA article discusses the sulfuric acid discovered on Europe, one of Jupiter's moons.
Nasa: Callisto 3 Images
This site from NASA provides a complete collection of images during orbit 3 of Jupiter's moon Callisto. Also links to data released from all Galileo orbits to date. Check the "Family Portraits" of the Galilean moons and other images at...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Galileo
NASA offers three images taken by the Galileo spacecrart capture the faces of Ganymede and Io. Files, with detailed caption can be downloaded in GIF format.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Galileo Project Information
This is the homepage of all of the archived information about and from the Galileo Mission. Included is data from the flybys of Venus, Earth, Moon, and Asteroids Gaspra and Ida, as well as the current data from Jupiter and its moons. See...
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Zoom Astronomy: All About Space
A fantastic collection of information about the solar system. Includes information on all of the planets, the moon, the sun, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and stars. Also find puzzles, a dictionary, quizzes, classroom activities, and...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Europa
This NASA page is a collection of thumbnail images of Europa taken by the Voyager and Galileo missions. Thumbnails link to low and high resolution image files and complete caption files. Images are excellent examples of various surface...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Ice on Europa
With the exception of Earth, Europa currently appears to be the only body in the solar system which potentially harbors a global ocean of liquid water. The possibility of liquid water raises the possibility of life, as well. This NASA...
Nasa: Solar System Exploration
Enter our solar system to interact with the planets, moons, asteroids, meteors, and more. Investigate with NASA scientists and explore missions related to space exploration. Read facts, compare statistics, look through resources, and...
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Galileo
A well-indexed collection of NASA images taken by the Galileo spacecraft. Images include the spacecraft itself prior to launch and all of the solar system objects this incredible mission has visited.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Europa O Logy Card
Flip this interactive card to start learning about Europa, one of Jupiter's largest moons. Answer multiple-choice and fact-or-fiction questions and review some fast facts about Europa.
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: An Overview of the Solar System
A detailed overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in the solar system.
Nasa: Planetary Photojournal: Jupiter
Looking for images of Jupiter or its moons? This is the place to start. Pictures are available from both Voyager missions, Galileo Orbiter and the Hubble Space Telescope. Choose from images of the planet, the ring, any of the Galilean...
Nasa: Solar System Exploration
This stunning site on the solar system gives a great overview of the planets and our sun. Learn about each object's size, vital statistics, and moons. Then go on for a more in depth look at these objects in the column on the left.