Curated OER
Secret Code Spotlight
In this secret math code worksheet, students solve 14 equations and apply the color value for each line according to the key. Students write the final total and the secret coded letter from another key. Students read the message.
Curated OER
The Nature of Light
In this science worksheet, students answer questions that are related to the concept of color and they discover what color shirts are being worn by reading the clues.
Curated OER
Phonics and Vegetable Books
Students participate in phonemic awareness and phonics activities and develop a list of vegetable vocabulary words. They break up words into beginnings and endings, and trace and write the letter s. Students then create a Vegetable...
Curated OER
Properties of Soil: Original Lesson Plan
This lesson is an investigation of soil properties, particularly texture, color and space for air and water. Student inspect soil samples found in their locale, perform several tests to determine different properties, and involves a ...
Curated OER
Tricks of the Trade A Collection of Concrete Poems-for writing concrete poems
Students explore concrete poetry. In this lesson about poetry, students read A Poke in the I, by Paul B. Janeczko, and are introduced to concrete poems. Students read several different kinds of concrete poems including single-word, and...
Curated OER
Red Gets Fed
Students practice with the strategy that letters represent phonemes and spellings map out phonemes in spoken words. They work on the phoneme sounds of /a/ and e=/e/ in correspondences with reading. Each student also recites the tongue...
Curated OER
Survival Extravaganza
Fifth graders discuss the effects of scarcity. In this survival lesson, 5th graders use strategies that would help them survive in a survival situation. Students write letters about bears in need of help to survive. Students answer...
Curated OER
Pumpkin Maze
In this algebra worksheet, students rewrite word problems using algebraic symbols. They discuss the changes they must make when they approach a certain color. There is an answer key.
Curated OER
Light and Our World
In this science worksheet, students solve a variety of curriculum related puzzles. They also practice basic mental math skills using four operations. The concept of light and color are explored and how it interacts with different objects.
Curated OER
Modeling a Soil Profile
In this soil profile worksheet, students use a cup to create the layers of soil using clay, sand, gravel and dirt. Students label each component as either A, B, or C horizon and the bedrock. They answer questions about their model.
Curated OER
Working With Words
In this working with words instructional activity, students are challenged to answer thirty questions through a wide variety of avenues to master site recognition of everyday words.
Curated OER
Bat Poem Form
In this poetry activity, learners will write an acrostic poem about bats. Each line will start with a letter in the word "bats". Students will color a picture of a bat on the paper.
Curated OER
Flambe Elements
Eighth graders discuss atoms and electrons as well as atoic structure. They view atomic structure via the computer. Students watch a demonstration in which the teacher demonstrates glass tubing turning yellow in a Bunsen Burner flame....
Curated OER
The Archer and The Sun
First graders explore Chinese folktales. In this Chinese folktale lesson ,students read Chinese folktales, locate China on a map, and color the Chinese flag. Students are given sentence strips to hold and must arrange themselves in...
Curated OER
The Jellybeans and the Big Dance
Enchant your youngsters by reading them The Jellybeans and the Big Dance, by Laura Numeroff and Nate Evans. Ask them to name objects that begin with the letter J like jellybeans. Give each of them some jellybeans to sort by color....
Curated OER
Find the Pictures That Begin With Long a
In this vowel worksheet students look at 12 pictures. Students are instructed to find the pictures that begin with the long a sound. It is not clear whether students are to color, circle or mark their answers.
Curated OER
Practicing Sight words
Review sight words with readers. They will look over their sight words and come up with sentences for each of them. They also review the alphabet and identify unfamiliar words.
Missouri Department of Elementary
Are You Balanced?
Balance scales create a strong visual of how an individual prioritizes one's self alongside their commitments to the community, school, and home. Scholars complete a graphic organizer then discuss their findings with their peers. A...
Computer Science Unplugged
The Orange Game–Routing and Deadlock in Networks
How is data able to move in a congested network? Groups simulate moving data around a congested network by passing fruit around a circle, following specific rules, until everyone ends up with their own fruit. Extension activities...
Star Date
Modeling the Night Sky
Dramatize the stars and planets as they become a visual representation of the solar system in this activity. Young astronomers track and simulate various constellations as they orbit the Earth to learn the position and motion of...
Freedom Archives
Special St. Augustine Issue
The articles and images in the June 1964 edition of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Newsletter detail the events in St. Augustine that were instrumental in the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The stirring...
Illustrative Mathematics
Red and Blue Tiles
Here, second graders are tasked to find the patterns that have an even number of tiles. They are asked to think about why these patterns are even or odd and explain how they know.
Fun Music Company
Relative Major and Minor
It's all relative. Young music theorists are asked to count to three and identify the relative major and minor keys of keys that share the same signature.
Cornell University
Insect Anatomy
Young entomologists discover insect anatomy in a very detailed unit plan. Offering background information for teachers about various insects, class members explore the differences between bugs and insects—and yes, there are many...