Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Comparative and Contemporary Mythology
This is a unit on comparative and contemporary mythology which discusses how the myths from various cultures have similar themes, linguistics, structure, and/or psychological forces. It also discusses the influences of mythology on...
Phonecian Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Phoeniciana: The Phoenician Alphabet
Both fun and informative, this rich site from the Encyclopedia Phoeniciana explains the importance of the Phoenician alphabet for the development of world languages. Download a Phoenician font for yourself!
Mantex: Tutorials: What Is Close Reading?
This site discusses the four types of reading: Linguistic, Semantic, Structural, and Cultural and offers a detailed example of close reading. RL.11-12.3 Auth choice story elem, RL.11-12.5 Choice of Text Structure
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Linguistic Map of Europe, 1901
A linguistic map showing the regional identification of language groups spoken in Europe, including Celtic, Teutonic, Slavonic, Romance, Hellenic, and Turanian.
Ad Serving Immigrant Students Through School Community Partnerships
How do district and school partnerships with community-based organizations help schools better meet the needs of recent immigrant students? This article provides some examples of promising strategies in which community-based...
Wisc Online: English Words of French Origin
In this learning activity, students read and listen to English words from the French language.
Georgetown University
Georgetown University: Georgetown University Press
Georgetown University Press homepage. The Press "publishes in the fields of: bioethics; languages and linguistics; political science and public policy; religion."
Wisc Online: Can You Speak Hmong?
In this learning module, students see and hear basic Hmong, a Chinese dialect, phrases.
A. Word. A. Day
Still another site offering you a word a day to build vocabulary and understanding of new words. You can subscribe for free, or check out the archives.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Different Ways of Knowing
Daniel Tammet has linguistic, numerical and visual synesthesia- meaning that his perception of words, numbers and colors are woven together into a new way of perceiving and understanding the world. The author of "Born on a Blue Day,"...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Did Shakespeare Write His Plays?
Some people question whether Shakespeare really wrote the works that bear his name- or whether he even existed at all. Could it be true that the greatest writer in the English language was as fictional as his plays? Natalya St. Clair and...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Pedi
"Pedi," in its broadest sense, has been a cultural/linguistic term. It was previously used to describe the entire set of people speaking various dialects of the Sotho language who live in the northern Transvaal of South Africa. More...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Jews of Iran
Until mass emigration began in 1948, Jews constituted one of the largest and longest-settled non-Muslim populations in Iran. Dispersed in every city and town in the country, Iranian Jews were almost always a minority except in a few...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Mandaeans
The Mandaeans are a group of people defined primarily by their religious affiliation, which differs from that of their mainly Muslim neighbors in Iran and Iraq. Today they live along the rivers and waterways of southern Iraq and...
Nclr: The Essentials of Teaching Reading
Find out what the essentials are for teaching reading. This site provides vital information for teachers in developing the most successful reading program for their students.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Counting Systems and the Piraha Tribe
Read a passage about the counting system of the Piraha Tribe and answer the follow-up questions.
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: Ethnolinguistic Groups of China, 1971
" Ethnolinguistic Groups - Almost all inhabitants of mainland China are of Mongoloid stock, and ethnic distinctions in the country are largely linguistic rather than racial. The Han comprise nearly 95 percent of the population; the...
Curated OER
Photo : Sir Louis Hippolyte La Fontaine
La Fontaine fought to have French recognized again as an official language after the Act of Union in 1841 removed this status, and was instrumental in developing a new linguistic policy for the government. His support for French rights...