Nasa: Eyes on the Solar System
Are you ready to ride the Curiosity to the surface of Gale crater? This 3-D environment created with NASA mission data allows students to experience space and time. With this website students can also hop on an asteroid, fly a Voyager...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: On the Surface
After studying this concept, learners will be able to identify the types of data that can be collected by the science instruments on board the Curiosity rover.
Teach Engineering: Strong Arm Tactics
Students generally do not know the complexity that goes into building and programming a robotic arm. In actuality, creating such an arm comes from a design that involves mechanical, electrical, and computer science engineers. This...
Space Today Online: Nasa's Discovery Missions
Survey of unmanned Discovery spacecraft missions such as the Mars Pathfinder rover and other past, present, and planned missions. Illustrated.
Pbs Teachers: Real Scientists: Electrical Engineer
Discover how an electrical engineer is using artificial intelligence to make robots "smarter." Consider how robots can be used to explore other planets.
Curated OER
Nasa Artist Concept of Lunar Prospector
Survey of unmanned Discovery spacecraft missions such as the Mars Pathfinder rover and other past, present, and planned missions. Illustrated.