Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 10,000 [N]
In this number comparison learning exercise, students write the greater than, less than or equal to symbol between 75 pairs of numbers, comparing numbers to 10,000.
Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 10,000 [O]
In this number comparison worksheet, students write the greater than, less than or equal to symbol between 75 pairs of numbers, comparing numbers to 10,000.
Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 10,000 [P]
In this number comparison worksheet, students write the greater than, less than or equal to symbol between 75 pairs of numbers, comparing numbers to 10,000.
Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 10,000 +-99 [I]
In this number comparison worksheet, students compare numbers to 10,000, +/- 99 by writing the greater than, less than or equal to symbol in boxes between pairs of numbers.
Comparing Quantities with Percent
Be 100 percent confident who has the most and by how much. Pupils use percentages to help make the comparisons by finding what percent one quantity is of the other. They also determine the percent differences between the two...
Curated OER
Kindergarten Numbers and Number Sense
Twelve math lessons take kindergartners through the process of number sense and counting. The skills range from counting to ten, filling out ten frames, indicating ordinal position of an object, and counting by fives and tens to one...
Comparing Methods—Long Division, Again?
Remember long division from fifth grade? Use the same algorithm to divide polynomials. Learners develop a strategy for dividing polynomials using what they remember from dividing whole numbers.
Freecloud Design
Three, two, one...liftoff! Elevate math skills to new heights while having a blast. A great resource that combines entertainment and education for children of all ages.
Ohio Department of Education
Writing and Comparing Numbers in Scientific Notation-Grade Eight
Explore scientific notation in this mathematics instructional activity. Young mathematicians explore multiple representations of large number in scientific notation through the use of models, visual representation and expanded form. The...
Center for Innovation in Education
Unifix Cubes
Support young mathematicians with building a strong foundational number-sense using this series of printable Unifix® cube strips. Adaptable to the teaching of a variety of different concepts, from basic counting and cardinality, to...
Comparing Rational Expressions
Introduce a new type of function through discovery. Math learners build an understanding of rational expressions by creating tables and graphing the result.
Curated OER
Comparing And Ordering Decimals - Alternative Lesson 3.3
In this math worksheet, students complete 11 problems where they use comparison symbols with decimal numbers. They order decimal numbers from least to greatest. Examples are provided in this well-designed worksheet.
Curated OER
Comparing Fractions and Equivalence
There are a few ways to practice fraction skills here, and they will all appeal to visual learners. First, mathematicians fill in blanks in two fraction number sequences. Next, they analyze two fractions marked along a number line...
Curated OER
Comparing Fractions with the Same Numerators, Assessment Variation
Have your class demonstrate their ability to compare fractions with this short multiple-choice assessment. Using the fractions 9/8 and 9/4, the students first make comparisons using both words and the greater than/less than signs. Next,...
Illustrative Mathematics
Comparing Speeds in Graphs and Equations
Compare two different proportional relationships on a graph. It is up to your mathematicians to determine which of two moving objects have greater speed. A good example of a Common Core multiple choice question.
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Representing, Identifying, and Comparing Integers
This resource will knock your "sox" off! It comes with so many worksheets, projects, and other attachments that help you prepare your mathematicians to see positive and negative integers in the real world, including the White Sox stadium...
Curated OER
Rational and Irrational Numbers 1
You'll need scissors, glue sticks, and mini whiteboards for this activity on rational and irrational numbers. Learners work in groups to classify a variety of expressions as rational or irrational. They are also given a mock discussion...
Curated OER
“I Can” Common Core! 6th Grade Math
Help your sixth graders reach their Common Core math standards by providing them with a checklist of "I can" statements for each standard. As each concept is covered, kids can check it off, as long as they can do what it states.
Mixing In Math
Mixing in Math: Growing Plants
Whether you have your class plant seeds or begin when sprouts are visible, math skills are used here to predict and track growth over time. Straw bar graphs show plant height on a given day while the graph as a whole shows changes over...
Curated OER
Rational and Irrational Numbers 2
Is the circumference of a circle always, sometimes, or never rational? Learners answer questions individually and also work in groups to look at sums and products of rational and irrational numbers. They must also be able to use the...
Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 1,000,000
In this number comparison worksheet, students write the greater than, lesser than or equal to sign between pairs of numbers. Answers are included on page 2.
Curated OER
Comparing Numbers to 10,000 (A)
In this elementary math activity, students write the symbols for greater than, less than, or equal in a box between two, four digit numbers. They complete 60 comparison problems on the page.
Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 100,000 [H]
In this number comparison worksheet, students write the greater than, less than or equal to symbol in the box between pairs of numbers.
Curated OER
Larger and Smaller Numbers
In this comparing numbers from one to twenty activity, students observe numbers in groups of four boxes, compare the numbers, and color each box with the largest number. Students color 4 boxes.