Nasa: Our Solar System Overview
This site has links to all the planets, providing an overview of the solar system. It also contains information about asteroids, meteors, comets and other features of our solar system.
Pbs Learning Media: Our Solar System Lithograph Set
View these amazing high-quality images of our solar system from NASA with this lithograph set. Each lithograph contains images, facts, dates, and general information on a particular subject. Background information and teaching tips are...
University of Leicester: Comets, Asteroids & Meteorites
Provides a general overview of comets, asteroids, and meteorites. Content includes ways to identify them in the night sky, as well as detailed information on each type of small body.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Earth and Sky: The Night Sky
Read about the sights you can see in a clear night sky. Book includes audio narration in 16 additional languages with text in English.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab: The Fruitful & Inventive Mind of Scientist Luis Alvarez
This article, reprinted from the fall 1979 LBL News Magazine, was written about Dr. Luis Alvarez and his part in the study of geological sediments and the great extinctions.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Weather & Climate: Earth's Atmosphere
A video and a short multiple-choice quiz on the composition of and the layers in Earth's atmosphere.
Nasa Star Child: Star Child
StarChild from NASA defines and describes the Solar System in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. The website is broken down into two versions for the student, grade school and junior high.
University of Hawai'i
Asteroid Heating: A Shocking View
This April 2004 article provides insight and one view into the world of asteroid heating, the age of meteorites and new theories in the changes in shocked and unshocked chondrites. Some great photomicrographs.
Nasa: Martian Moon Phobos Hip Deep in Powder
This press release from NASA, based on data from the Mars Global Survey/Mars Orbiter Camera describes Mars' moon Phobos. Included are small thumbanil images that link to more detailed GIF files.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Zoom School: Antarctica
Learn some amazing facts about the coolest place on Earth, Antarctica. Explore a map and geography, science, animals, explorers, jokes, and more. Also contains a quiz to take.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Amazing Space: Comets
Amazing Science provides teachers with facts about comets that they can use as a reference or to stimulate class discussion. The science questions support the lesson's activities.
Armagh Planetarium: Meteorites: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Read about the origin and movement of meteorites and other space rocks.
Nasa Space Place: Mesosphere
A concise explanation of the mesosphere, the middle layer of the atmosphere.
Extreme Science
Extreme Science: Space Science: Our Solar System
Read about our solar system and its formation over 4.6 billion years ago. Find out about the planets, asteroids, meteors, satellites, and comets. More in-depth planet background can be accessed through links.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Public Enemy #1 John Dillinger
Quick introduction to one of the more famous American criminals of the Great Depression. Vivid descriptions of his meteoric rise to fame paint the picture of a man who lived life dangerously.
Library of Congress
Loc: Poetry 180: Forgotten Planet
This poet reminisces about childhood as he listens to his daughter's lack of undertanding about the names of the all of the planets.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Science World of Astronomy: Snc Meteorites
View a chart displaying various kinds of meteorites collected on earth and read a technical article describing the manner in which they are studied. Provides a link to more information about the planet Mars and the role it plays in the...
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College: Rene Descartes (1596 1650)
Events of Rene Descartes' life are presented in a timeline form. The biographical information is taken from "A Short Account of the History of Mathematics" by W. W. Rouse Ball (4th Edition, 1908).
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: An Overview of the Solar System
A detailed overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in the solar system.
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: Small Bodies
This site explores the smaller bodies in the solar system, namely the various asteroids and comets. Links are also provided for additional information on related subjects.
The Apollo Society: The Solar System
Contains a small set of images of solar system objects and a series of links to information about all solar system objects. Solar System Tours link to excellent image collections.
Pbs Teachers: Origins: Earth Is Born
Collect micrometeorites from space -- remnants of the time when the solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Create a sky dust collector, sort particularate matter according to attributes and identify micrometeorites by their...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Other Celestial Bodies Study Guide
Review celestial bodies using this study guide.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Piece of Dinosaur Extinction Asteroid Puzzle Recovered
The first meteorite fossil discovered in this period when tests can be run on it, was found at Chicxulub in Northeastern Yucatan, Mexico. Scientists believe it is part of the meteorite which made the dinosaurs extinct.
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