San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego Natural History Museum: Mineral Matters: Color
Don't be fooled! While color is one way to identify a mineral, it can often be misleading. Quartz is one example of a mineral that can change colors depending on its chemical make-up.
San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego Natural History Museum: Mineral Matters: Luster
A brief introduction to identifying a mineral by its luster. Examples of terms used to describe luster, such as metallic, glassy, and dull are listed.
Caterpillar: Ground Rules: Mining Right for a Sustainable Future [Pdf]
This set of lesson plans was developed to accompany Ground Rules: Mining Right for a Sustainable Future, a documentary film created by Caterpillar and Science North. They introduce learners to the various phases involved in mining,...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Fairly Simple Geology Exercises
A collection of geology exercises which include relevant background information, complete instructions, student handouts, and answer keys. Topics include rock and mineral identification, Bowen's reaction series, crystal models,...
Chemeketa Community College: Igneous Rock Identification
This resource contains detailed summaries of eight different igneous minerals. It also has enlarged pictures of the minerals as they appear embedded in igneous rock.
Indiana University
Indiana University Bloomington: Rock Identification Chart [Pdf]
A flowchart students can use as a tool to identify rocks. They answer yes or no to questions about various characteristics and responses to tests until they can narrow down the possibilities.
Australian Museum
Australian Museum: Metamorphic Rocks
Learn the process by which metamorphic rocks are created, where they are located, and how they are identified by texture (foliated and non-foliated) and mineral composition.
EL Education
El Education: Rock and Mineral Trading Cards
Students complete field and museum observations and work with local geologists to collect information on various types of rocks. Each student then creates a trading card with an original illustration of the rock on the front and the...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Geoethics Forums: The Grey Side of Green
Using the Geoethics Forums format, students are presented with a case study which explores the use of strategic minerals for green and clean technology.
James Madison University
James Madison University: Keys to Igneous Rock Classification
Click for different identification keys for igneous rocks to help you classify them correctly. Includes various color/texture keys as well as classification charts. (NOTE: At the time of writing this, the PDF links were configured...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Rock Identification and Usage
In this activity, students explore rocks using their five senses. They sort them into groups, learn about landforms, and learn how rocks are used by humans. Their discoveries are recorded in their science notebooks.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Rocks and Soils: What Kind of Rock Am I?
Test your knowledge of different types of rocks by taking a quiz. Determine if each picture shows an igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock.
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Land, Waste, and Cleanup Topics
This site is loaded with information on solid waste and hazardous waste. It includes industries' effects on the environment, waste programs, treatment, control, pollution prevention, recycling, and cleanup programs.
EL Education
El Education: Kid's Guide to Rock Park
Students research different types of rocks and different ways of identifying rocks, then create a field guide for younger students attending a museum called The Rock Park.