University of Groningen
American History: Outlines: Government Involvement
Ouline of the changing scope of government involvement in the private sector beginning in 19th Century America Progressive Era and reaching its peak during Roosevelt's New Deal programs.
University of North Carolina
Documenting the American South: North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration
An electronic edition of a very interesting, though dense, book written in 1936 as a record of the activies of the Emergency Relief Adminstration in North Carolina. The book begins with a look at how relief for the indigent was provided...
US National Archives
Nara: A New Deal for the Arts: Rediscovering America
As part of the artistic nationalism that took place during the Great Depression, this website from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on many American scenes. Lots of focus on small-town life and various regions.
US National Archives
Nara: A New Deal for the Arts Activist Arts
The turbulence of the Great Depression is reflected in these images of workers in artwork from the NARA on this site.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: United States History: The Second New Deal
This site describes how as a result of mounting criticisms and a need for more economic relief and recovery, FDR introduced another series of programs, known as the Second New Deal, aimed at fighting unemployment and poverty and...
University of Virginia
Miller Center at Uva: u.s. Presidents: Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Domestic Policies
Read about the scope of Roosevelt's New Deal from 1933 until 1939 and continue with his domestic policies during World War II. Find out how important Roosevelt's personality was to the implementation of his ideas.
University of Washington
University Libraries: Federal Emergency Relief Administration (Fera) Collection
A vast collection of photographs of projects in the state of Washington funded by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration at the beginning of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. Included is an essay that describes the purpose of the FERA.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Truman Library: Oral History Interview With Leon H. Keyserling
A fascinating interview with Leon Keyserling, a member of the Roosevelt Administration who played a large part in the implementation of the New Deal, recorded for the Truman Library in 1971.
New Deal Network
New Deal: Works of Franklin D. Roosevelt: Essentials for Unemployment Relief
Text of a speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Congress, March 21, 1933, outlining a program of public employment at the federal and state levels to provide unemployment relief.
Class Flow: Picture Review of the 1930's
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart can be used to introduce or review the major aspects of the 1930's, including the Stock Market Crash, Hoover's presidency, the Bonus Army, the Dust Bowl, FDR and his New Deal Programs.
Siteseen: American Historama: Social Security Act of 1935
Provides 15 detailed facts and a summary of one of the most important elements of FDR's New Deal program, the Social Security Act of 1935.
Siteseen: American Historama: Civilian Conservation Corps
Discover interesting facts and information about the Civilian Conservation Corps that was established to employ young men to work on conservation projects and was created as part of FDR's New Deal Programs.
New York Times
New York Times: Un Inspectors Can Return Unconditionally, Iraq Says
[Free Registration/Login Required] This article deals specifically with Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri al-Hadithi's decision to let US officials into the country to investigate Iraq's Weapons Program. (September 16, 2002)
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Putting Pople Back to Work
Read about the many programs that were part of Roosevelt's New Deal that targeted at getting the unemployed back to work.
Oklahoma State University
Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture: Farm Security Administration
An overview of the ambitious goals of the Farm Security Administration as part of the New Deal. Find out the many ways the FSA wanted to help farmers help themselves. Because this article is from the Oklahoma Historical Society, special...
Digital History
Digital History: Roosevelt's Critics
This article lays out criticism of President Roosevelt and his handling of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Read about three men who developed a great following by insisting that the New Deal did not go far enough and not enough...
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Comission
Expore Pa History: Pa and the Great Depression: Public Works and Organized Labor
A good look at how the Great Depression affected Pennsylvania. See how New Deal legislation brought relief to the unemployed in Pennsylvania after 1936.
Digital History
Digital History: President Roosevelt and the Wpa [Pdf]
Franklin Roosevelt had to deal with the Great Depression quickly when he became president in 1932. Read about the early New Deal legislation, how the money was spent, and who administered the programs. Find out about the Works Progress...
Curated OER
History Matters: "Share the Wealth": Huey Long Talks to the Nation
A radio address from April 1935 where U.S. Senator Huey Long criticizes Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. As an alternative, he outlines his proposed "Share the Wealth" program, where wealth would be redistributed to give everyone a more...
Digital History
Digital History: Native Americans
Find out about how Native Americans fared during the passage of so much legislation during the New Deal. See which progams helped them, and read about the changes made in decades-old laws.
North Carolina History Project: Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Explanation and critique of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), an income support program instituted by Franklin's New Deal, with respect to its impact on North Carolinians.
Library of Congress
Loc: The Great Depression and the 1990s
Students frequently echo sentiments such as, "The government is too big," or "The government should make welfare mothers pay for their own needs." It seems that many citizens, high schoolers included, have begun to believe in reduced...
Class Flow: Great Depression
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is an overview of the causes and impact of the Great Depression and the effects of the New Deal. Included are many photographs from the time.
Siteseen: American Historama: Wagner Act
Provides interesting facts and information about the 1935 Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act), a New Deal reform that guaranteed workers the right to organize unions and to bargain collectively.