Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Visiting Relatives Prompt
This review discusses Ralph Fletcher's book entitled Marshfield Dreams and Cynthia Rylant's book called The Relatives Came. The author suggests that these books be used as mentor texts. In the suggested activity, students will engage in...
Read Write Think: Introducing Each Other: Interviews, Memoirs, Photos, Internet
This lesson plan is designed to teach various methods students can use when researching background information on one another in order to introduce each other in written and oral form.
EL Education
El Education: Refugee Profiles
Students learn more about African history and culture through research, interviews, movies, books, and work with historians, college professors, and religious leaders. Then student write biographical stories of local refugees in first...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Search for Identity: Maxine Hong Kingston
Maxine Hong Kingston is featured in this biography for her literary contributions which explore her personal heritage as a Chinese American woman. See "Maxine Hong Kingston Activities" for related materials.
EL Education
El Education: Blanca Rosenberg
This memoir-style book was created by a 5th/6th grade student in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, and tells the life story of a Holocaust survivor. Blanca Rosenberg is the biography of Blanca written in first person narrative, as told to the...