Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing Arguments
This tutorial focuses on argumentative and persuasive writing: it lists and defines the components of arguments, provides a flow chart for argumentative writing, defines counterarguments, and lists the 3 elements of persuasion: ethos,...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Grade 8: Writing a Persuasive Essay [Pdf]
Provides a student model of a persuasive essay on the topic of television violence. Allows students to examine content, format, and structure and includes notes and annotations as student aids throughout.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unusual Friendly Letters: Persuasive Writing Techniques
In this activity, learners will use active voice in regards to persuasion. Lesson incorporates the A R.A.F.T. strategy: role, audience, format, topic.
Read Write Think: Creating a Persuasive Podcast
This lesson unit has students research a local, state, national, or international issue of personal interest and create and share a two-minute persuasive podcast presenting their research-based opinions on the topic. It includes tools...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Writing Persuasive Essays
Persuasive writing is the topic of this article. Students will learn the parts of the persuasive essay and how to write an effective persuasive essay.
Read Write Think: Developing, Writing, and Evaluating Persuasive Speeches
Contains plans for four lessons that teach students how to make and present strong persuasive speeches. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as well as assessment...
Teach Engineering: Is That Legal? A Case of Acid Rain
The goal of this activity is to understand how techniques of persuasion (including background, supporting evidence, storytelling and the call to action) are used to develop an argument for or against a topic. Students develop an...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Writer's Guide: Persuasive Essay
Follow the framework on this page to construct a persuasive essay on any topic. Click on Writer's Model in the upper right to see a Shockwave presentation highlighting how to use the suggestions. W.9-10.10 Write Routinely
Read Works
Read Works: Author's Purpose 3rd Grade Unit
[Free Registration/Login Required] A three-lesson unit on author's purpose. In the first lesson, students practice identifying the author's purpose as to entertain, to persuade, or to inform. In the second lesson, students use graphic...