Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Overview of Translation
Find out how the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA is translated into the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide (protein).
Genome British Columbia
Genome British Columbia: Dna Code Bracelet
For this activity, students create a bracelet of beads using DNA code. Each letter represents an amino acid and is three beads. The authors suggest that even younger students would enjoy this activity, although older students will...
Open Stax: Lydia E. Kavraki: Protein Folding
This module introduces students to the problem of Protein Folding, its importance, and current computational methods used to attack its complexity.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Electrophoretic Separation of Proteins
This is a five-question quiz relating to the passage "The Electrophoretic Separation of Proteins."
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Peptides and Proteins
If the amine and carboxylic acid functional groups in amino acids join together to form amide bonds, a chain of amino acid units, called a peptide, is formed. A simple tetrapeptide structure is shown in the following diagram. By...
Pbs: Scientific American Frontiers: Teaching Guide: Tasty Models (9 12)
For this hands-on lesson, young scholars use candy to construct models of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats). Create visualizations that will aid in learning about dehydration synthesis and bond saturation in fat molecules....
University of Arizona
Ua: Large Molecules Problem Set
Understandable lessons about numerous aspects about the composition, function, and interactions of proteins. Each starts with an interactive quiz and links to a tutorial.
Education Development Center
Education Development Center: How Does Dna Work?
Learning about transcription and translation can be difficult but this animation helps make the processes less confusing. The animation is interactive and it also covers the overall importance of proteins.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Primary Structure of Proteins: Lesson 2
This lesson will explain the primary structure of a protein. It is 2 of 3 in the series titled "Primary Structure of Proteins."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Primary Structure of Proteins: Lesson 3
This lesson will explain the primary structure of a protein. It is 3 of 3 in the series titled "Primary Structure of Proteins."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Primary Structure of Proteins: Lesson 1
This lesson will explain the primary structure of a protein. It is 1 of 3 in the series titled "Primary Structure of Proteins."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Biology: Macromolecules: Secondary Structures of Proteins
This lesson will explain the secondary structure of a protein.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: Organic Compounds
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] The main chemical components of living organisms are known as organic compounds and are built around the element carbon. Living things are made up of very large...
BioMan Biology
Bio Man Biology: Protein Synthesis Race!
Learn about the steps involved in protein synthesis as you play this game.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dietary Supplements for Building Up Muscles
Read this passage and study the graphics to complete a five-question quiz pertaining to dietary supplements for building up muscles.
Ohio State University
Ohio State University: Proteins and Nucleic Acids
This information can be used for exam review or as an introduction. It presents a good overview of the topics with charts, graphs, links, and a quiz.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 13.9 Translation
Understand the process of reading the mRNA code in the ribosome to make a protein during translation.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Animal Organization Digestion Aqa
This lesson focuses on the structures of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids including defining terms, a brief discussion of what they do, and diagrams of each. It also provides a link to a test.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Homocystinuria and Its Associate Treatments
Read the passage "Homocystinuria and Its Associate Treatments," and complete the related five-question quiz.
Estrella Mountain Community College
Online Biology Book: Chemistry Ii: Water and Organic Molecules
Online biology textbook discussing the chemical nature of water, and the importance of its molecular structure to life. Also discusses at length the organic molecules nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Chemistry 3 B: Chemical Structure and Reactivity
A collection of video lectures from a chemical structure and reactivity course taught at the University of California, Berkeley. The course teaches conjunction, aromatic theory, carbonyl compounds, carbohydrates, amines, carboxylic acid....
Hypertextbook: Large Molecules
This is a good, in-depth reference for the study of macromolecules in biology - lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Includes images and links to other sources as well as a quiz for students to check understanding.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Genetic Code
Learn how genetic code links groups of nucleotides in an mRNA to amino acids in a protein. Also learn about start codons, stop codons, and reading frame.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Translation
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Translation involves translating the language of nucleotides to the language of amino acids. During this activity, translation in protein synthesis is explored along...