Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Shakespeare Library: Teaching Modules: Hamlet
Lesson plan asks young scholars to learn about patterns of imagery in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" through online resources.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Remember Me: Retribution and Reconciliation in Hamlet
Examine the parent and child relationship through Shakespeare's "Hamlet." This lesson plan features insight into the purpose of the ghost's appearance during the play.
British Library
British Library: Teaching Resources: Hamlet: Ophelia, Gender and Madness
In his portrayal of Hamlet and Ophelia, Shakespeare raises troubling questions about gender and madness. These activities encourage students to compare these two central characters, and how they have been used to reflect changing views...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: English Language Arts, Grade 12: Hamlet
Students explore the concept of revenge, its relationship to madness, and its consequences. Students explore the treatment of women in the play and come to understand the weaknesses in Hamlet's character. Finally, students consider...
Folger Shakespeare Library
"To Be or Not to Be": Close Reading Hamlet's Soliloquy
From the Folger Shakespeare Library, this lesson plan requires students to analyze Hamlet's soliloquy with an emphasis on word meaning and etymology. They then compare two film versions of the speech.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Shakespeare Library: Lesson Plan Archive: Imagery in Hamlet
Lesson plan takes young scholars through an exploration of the figurative language in "Hamlet."
Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Shakespeare Library: Lesson Plans: Teaching Hamlet
Several lesson plans for teaching Hamlet and an ancillary podcast on representations of swordsmanship and military engagements in Shakespeare's plays. Lessons consider the use of imagery in Hamlet, the staging of Ophelia's madness scene,...
Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Shakespeare Library: Lesson Plan Archive: Enter Ophelia
A lesson to help learners learn more about Ophelia's mad scenes in Act IV of "Hamlet."
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: "Hamlet" and the Elizabethan Revenge Ethic
The theme of revenge was very popular in Elizabethan drama. This lesson plan helps students understand how Shakespeare used that convention in "Hamlet."