Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities

Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, and the Unreliable Narrator

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Stories by Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce provide readers with an opportunity to investigate unreliable narrators. The lesson plan begins with an activity about different types of point of view and continues as scholars apply their...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 14

For Teachers 9th Standards
As a mid-unit assessment, writers use evidence from the supplemental reading articles "Globalization," "Our Addiction to Fast Fashion Kills," and "Bangladesh Factory Collapse: Who Really Pays for Our Cheap Clothes?" to draft an argument...
Lesson Plan

Grade 11 ELA Module 1: Unit 2, Lesson 24

For Teachers 11th Standards
How do central ideas build on each other in Shakespeare's Hamlet? Scholars begin the first part of an end-of-unit assessment. They complete a Central Idea Evidence Collection Tool worksheet to prepare for a writing activity to discuss...
Lesson Plan

Analyzing the Power of Different Mediums: A Mighty Long Way

For Teachers 8th Standards
Weigh the pros and cons. Class members continue sharing their thoughts on media and events by watching the video John Chancellor Reports on the Integration at Central High School. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of gaining...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment, Part II: Research Task: Comparing and Contrasting Texts

For Teachers 7th Standards
When it comes to comparing texts, it's apples to oranges. As part two of the mid-unit assessment, learners compare and contrast two texts about the Internet and brain health. While reading, scholars use a Venn diagram to compare two...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit 2 Assessment: Research Task: Comparing and Contrasting Texts

For Teachers 7th Standards
It's the half-way mark! Pupils demonstrate understanding of unit standards by completing a mid-unit assessment. After reading an informational article about water management strategies, scholars complete a graphic organizer to identify...

Predicting/Making a Hypothesis

For Teachers 6th - 12th
As an introduction to the hypothesis and testing method of investigation, young history detectives engage in a special investigation of a family artifact. After watching a short video that demonstrates the method, they develop a...
Lesson Plan

Alienstock: Analyzing Information, Media, And Validity

For Teachers 7th - 8th Standards
One only has to watch MSMBC and FOX News to realize that media can present the same story in very different ways. Middle schoolers have an opportunity to test their ability to determine the validity and trustworthiness of information by...
Lesson Plan

Introduction to Arguing Effectively: Argument Writing

For Teachers 10th - 11th Standards
Which is better—Chick-fil-A or MacDonalds? High schoolers learn how to craft an argument essay by beginning an opinion statement. They state a claim, back up their claim with evidence, and consider counter calms. Scholars then create a...
Lesson Plan
Anti-Defamation League

Major League Baseball and the Negro Leagues: Correcting an Injustice

For Teachers 6th - 9th Standards
It's been a long time coming! In 2020, MLB Commissioner Robert D. Manifred, Jr. stated that "the Negro Leagues would be recognized as official major leagues." Middle schoolers investigate the history of the Negro Leagues and use evidence...
K12 Reader

Coyote: The Survivor of North America

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Coyotes in Chicago? Yip. Middle schoolers demonstrate their ability to identify details that support the idea that coyotes are adaptable creatures.
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 16

For Teachers 9th Standards
The Sugar Changed the World chapter, "The Sound of Liberty," highlights how the differing attitudes toward the slave trade shifted the issue from an economic concern to a concern for human rights. The passage contrasts Thomas Jefferson's...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 1, Lesson 5

For Teachers 10th Standards
Science over humanity? Scholars analyze an excerpt from The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. They must consider if the experimentation of Henrietta's cells without her consent was worth the information gained about cancer. They discuss...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment: Using Evidence to Support Analysis: “Frederick Douglass”

For Teachers 7th Standards
Show what you know! Scholars complete a mid-unit assessment using text evidence from Frederick Douglass. The teacher then presents expectations for independent reading assignment. Leaving the class, pupils turn in an exit ticket...
Lesson Plan

Forming a Research-Based Claim: Analyzing Risks and Benefits for Stakeholder

For Teachers 7th Standards
Welcome to the World Café, where lively debate is on the menu! Scholars participate in the World Café protocol, moving between discussion groups to decide if the American Academy of Pediatrics should increase its adolescent screen...
News Literacy Project

Get Smart About COVID-19

For Students 7th - 12th
Pandemic or infodemic? Scholars complete an online quiz to determine if they can sort fact from fiction related to COVID-19 information. Pupils view a variety of news articles, social media posts, and video clips to practice identifying...
Lesson Plan

Developing an Opinion Based on the Textual Evidence: Jackie Robinson’s Legacy (Promises to Keep, Pages 58–63)

For Teachers 5th Standards
Jackie Robinson left a legacy beyond the field. Readers look at pages 58-63 of Promises to Keep and summarize Robinson's legacy. They then form and opinion about the legacy and support it with evidence. Working with partners, class...
Unit Plan
C3 Teachers

Emancipation: Does It Matter Who Freed the Slaves?

For Teachers 11th
Scholars generally agree on the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. This inquiry-based lesson asks high schoolers to consider more than the claims of who freed the enslaved people but the significance of the issues...
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network (UEN)

Know Your Literature Genres

For Teachers 7th Standards
Open the library for young readers by introducing them to the main genres and sub-genres. A podcast and two presentations identify the characteristics of the different genres. Groups then sort through a box of books and, using evidence...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 3

For Teachers 9th Standards
"We need forgiveness and someone to blame." True? Class members continue their analysis of the central claims in Walter Mosley's essay and the support he offers for these claims about people's fascination with crime.
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 3, Unit 2, Lesson 10

For Teachers 9th Standards
Ninth graders continue their inquiry-based research projects focused on the topics in Temple Grandin's Animals in Translation. After formulating, honing, and adapting their research frames in the previous lessons, learners select...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 22

For Teachers 9th Standards
Class members read "Satyagraha," the concluding section of Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos' Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science, and analyze how the authors support their claim that terrible...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 12

For Teachers 9th Standards
Anna McMullen's opinion piece "Bangladesh Factory Collapse: Who Really Pays for our Cheap Clothes?" offers readers another opportunity to examine how writers craft and support their arguments. After reading McMullen's article, class...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4, Unit 2, Lesson 21

For Teachers 10th Standards
Which character bears responsibility for the tragedy in Shakespeare's Macbeth? Scholars participate in a gallery walk and complete a Quick Write to support their claims about which character is to blame.

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