Instructional Video8:50
Crash Course

Test Anxiety: Crash Course Study Skills #8

For Students 7th - 12th
Many students experience test anxiety, keeping them from performing their best and showing what they truly know. A helpful video guides stressed-out learners through negativity bias with a set of tips and explanations to help them get...
Instructional Video4:19

Why Is Biodiversity So Important?

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
There are millions of plant and animal species on the planet, but why do we need so many? Follow along with this short video as it explains how biodiversity helps strengthen ecosystems, allowing them to adapt to change so that life...
Instructional Video
Northeast Arkansas Education Cooperative

Quadratic Formula

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The mechanics of using the quadratic formula are clearly detailed in this example-full presentation, along with how to identify and walk through the algorithm. Step-by-step attack methods are provided with examples of several different...
Instructional Video8:25
Bozeman Science

Phases of Meiosis

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Identify the major players of meiosis, which are chromosomes from both mom and dad, sister chromatids, centrosomes, centrioles, and microtubules. The lesson goes on to explore each step of meiosis: interphase, prophase I and...
Instructional Video12:09
Crash Course

Intro to Economics

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
There's an opportunity cost to everything you do, but it's minimal when you're learning about an applicable topic like economics. Join the Crash Course team as they introduce a 35-part video series on economics and briefly address some...
Instructional Video1:19

Albert Einstein: Why Light is Quantum

For Students 9th - 12th
While we are all familiar with what happens when you turn on a light bulb, Albert Einstein was convinced that there was more happening than meets the eye. The video describes his extension of the research of others to ultimately...
Instructional Video9:21
Crash Course

Collisions: Crash Course Physics #10

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Time for a crash course! The 10th installment in a video series describes the physics behind collisions. With a focus on momentum and energy, the narrator describes both elastic and inelastic collisions.
Instructional Video7:38
The Brain Scoop

Insect Cribs

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Which sounds like the worst way to die: being paralyzed until you are eaten or being imprisoned until you are licked to death? Both of these scenarios happen in nature, and a frightening Brain Scoop video explains the details as part of...
Instructional Video6:54

The Age of Giant Insects

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
The largest arthropod that walked on land measured more than two meters long. An intriguing video looks invertebrates throughout the history of Earth. It explains the drastic differences and why scientists theorize they evolved in this...
Instructional Video5:12

Why Do You Need to Get a Flu Shot Every Year?

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Don't let your classes take a shot in the dark! Help them understand different types of vaccinations with an informative video lesson. The narrator explains how the flu virus challenges vaccine creators each year thanks to its...
Instructional Video3:56
Curated OER

How Do You Solve an AND Compound Inequality and Graph It On a Number Line?

For Teachers 7th - 9th
Solving a compound inequality is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Just break it apart and solve each side as an individual problem. See how to write these two solutions in set-builder notation. Then graph each inequality on...
Instructional Video6:31
Curated OER

How Do You Find the Volume of a Triangular Pyramid?

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Instruct your class on how to find the volume of a triangular pyramid using this tutorial. Learners can watch the video and take notes, later applying what they have seen to class work or homework. A clear video with direct instruction,...
Instructional Video5:56
Curated OER

How Do You Find the Volume of a Triangular Pyramid?

For Teachers 6th - 10th
Instruct your class on how to find the volume of a triangular pyramid using this tutorial. Learners can watch the video and take notes, later applying what they have seen to class work or homework. A clear video with direct instruction,...
Instructional Video2:28

Why It Sucks to Be a Male Hyena

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Male hyenas are not laughing! The species probably doesn't find it funny that they always hold the lowest status in their packs. An intriguing video lesson explains how this comes about and the negative impact on these animals.
Instructional Video13:00
Crash Course

What Is Statistics: Crash Course Statistics #1

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Statistics in the wrong hands can be a dangerous thing. The first installment of a five-episode series explains the basics of statistics. The instructor focuses on the usefulness of statistics and how to identify misuse of stats.
Instructional Video2:04

Application of a Linear Equation in One Variable - Salary Plus Commission (Example 1)

For Students 8th - 10th Standards
Build problem-solving skills within your classes. Young scholars learn linear equations are great for modeling contextual situations. The specific situation models weekly income based on a combination of salary and commission. Given the...
Instructional Video8:42

How to Rhyme – a Video Poetry Writing Lesson

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
A host details what does and does not rhyme in an informative video that focuses on creating words for a poem. He provides examples and discusses how rhyming makes a difference in tone and purpose. 
Instructional Video3:01
Crash Course Kids

Try Trials

For Students 3rd - 8th
Future engineers are bowled over with the wealth of information brought to them by this video. The focus is on engineers and the process they take to test solutions by isolating variables with multiple trials. 
Instructional Video4:15
McMaster University

Setting Goals

For Students 6th - 12th
Gain insight and encouragement with a video that details the importance of goal setting and helpful tips to make the most progress. Scholars learn the difference between long-term and short-term goals, answer questions to identify...
Instructional Video4:33
SciShow Kids

Meet the 5 Dwarf Planets!

For Students Pre-K - 6th Standards
What's bigger than an asteroid but smaller than a planet? A dwarf planet! Take a peak into the five dwarf planets—Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Ceres—with a captivating video hosted by Jenni and Squeaks.
Instructional Video4:15
SciShow Kids

Explore the Solar System: The Rocky Planets

For Students Pre-K - 6th Standards
Take a trip to the rocky planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—with an engaging video that details their unique attributes.
Instructional Video15:07
Crash Course

Luther and the Protestant Reformation: Crash Course World History #218

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
King Henry VIII was the first European ruler to embrace Protestantism as the religion of his state—right? A crash Course World History video takes viewers through the influence of Martin Luther's 95 Theses in Europe, discussing the...
Instructional Video6:19

Write a Linear Equation in One Variable App: Depreciation

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Unfortunately, most items lose value over time. The lesson presentation shows how to model this depreciation with a linear expression. After writing the expression, the instructor demonstrates how to use it to predict the time it takes...
Instructional Video4:10

What Color is Your Blood?

For Students 6th - 12th
Everyone knows that blood is thicker than water, but do they know what color it is when it is circulating? The various proteins that determine the color of this vital mixture are revealed, and the question is answered once and for all!...

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