Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A Rei Pythagorean Triples
This task has two separate goals: the first is to solve a pair of equations, one quadratic and the other linear. The second goal is to observe that a point that lies on a circle gives rise to a Pythagorean triple. Aligns with A-REI.C.7.
Pbs Mathline: Stressed to the Breaking Point Lesson Plan [Pdf]
Students explore how much weight a spaghetti bridge can support and whether width and length matter. Printable lesson.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A rei.c.6: Accurately Weighing Pennies I
In this problem, students will use the number of decimal places in the coefficients to motivate writing and solving a system of equations. Aligns with A-REI.C.6.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A rei.c.6: Accurately Weighing Pennies Ii
This illustrated math lesson shows how important levels of accuracy in measurement are. The answer can be different since a scale only accurately weighs to the nearest tenth of a gram instead of to the nearest hundredth of a gram. Aligns...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A ced.a.3: Dimes and Quarters
This task requires students to recognize the pairs of linear equations in two variables that would be used to solve a given system of equations. Aligns with A-CED.A.3.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Boats in Motion
In this lesson, students make observations about the motion of a boat going up and down the river. They will solve the system of equations algebraically and graphically.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Quinoa Pasta 1
A type of pasta is made of a blend of quinoa and corn. The pasta company is not disclosing the percentage of each ingredient in the blend but we know that the quinoa in the blend contains 16.2% protein, and the corn in the blend contains...
Richland Community College
Richland Community College: Math 116 Lecture Notes
This site from the Richland Community College provides the detailed lecture notes to a college algebra course, complete with equations and definitions. Content ranges from "functions and their graphs" to "conics and parametric equations."
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A rei.c.6: Estimating a Solution via Graphs
The purpose of this task is to give students an opportunity use quantitative and graphical reasoning to detect an error in a solution. Aligns with A-REI.C.6.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Summer Swimming
The local swim center is making a special offer. They usually charge $7 per day to swim at the pool. This month swimmers can pay an enrollment fee of $30 and then the daily pass will only be $4 per day. Aligns with 8.EE.C.8.c.