Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Marshmallow and Pretzel Sensory Writing
This language arts lesson applies hands-on materials to help students apply the sensory details need for writing. It also incorporates writing skills for comparing and contrasting. In addition, students will utilize Thinkfinity...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Descriptive Writing: Similes, Metaphors, Cliches, Hyperbole
This lesson focuses on figurative language used in descriptive writing including similes, metaphors, cliches, hyperbole. It offers multiple links to websites pertaining to figurative language in descriptive and creative writing; an...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Sum of Its Parts
Inspired by Julianna's understanding (from the novel Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen) that "A painting is more than the sum of its parts," students will describe a memorable place that evokes a certain feeling or emotion. Students will...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Colorful Sensory Poems
This instructional activity allows students to explore color - both in literal and figurative terms. Students will read books about color, discuss the emotion involved with color, and incorporate color metaphors to write poems using the...
Cpalms: Reading With Our Eyes, Fingers, Toes, Ears and Nose
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, young scholars are learning to identify sensory words in their reading, specifically in poetry. Students will gain a perspective on how authors use sensory words to portray their ideas....
Utah Education Network
Uen: Descriptive Sensory Writing
In this instructional activity, 5th graders will engage in descriptive writing. Students will improve a piece of writing by using precise word choices that are full of sensory word choices.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: A Writers' Notebook
Virtually participate in a workshop of four high school teachers led by a renowned author. There are eight topics including "Hiding and Revealing with Language," "Using Sensory Description," and "Writing a Picture of Me".
Harold D. Underdown
Derailed by Details
A helpful site for writers which gives the proper perspective in assessing the detail involved in your writing. Provides examples of how to include exciting, relevant details when writing fiction.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Literary Text: Imagery, Metaphor, and Simile
Writers use sensory imagery ("smelled the salty air"), similes ("like a strong man playing tug-of-war"), and metaphors ("the waves roaring in my ears") to capture the reader's imagination. In this lesson, you will learn how to identify...