Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Story Writing Frames [Pdf]
Teachers will learn how to use story writing frames with their students. Teachers will learn how to implement story frames; measure progress with story frames; and find research to support using story frames. A reproducible story frame...
Indiana University
Indiana University: Writing Services: Incorporating Evidence Into Your Essay
This handout explores how to effectively incorporate evidence to support your claims into your paper. It provides weak and strong examples to show effective ways to incorporate evidence clearly and cohesively. W.9-10.1c...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Academic Writing: Sentence Variety: Strategies for Variation
This lesson offers suggestions to help you fix short, choppy sentences, combine sentences with the same subject, and revise sentences that sound the same. L.11-12.3 Language Functions/Style
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: W.4.4: Produce Clear Writing to Task, Purpose, Audience
Links to 89 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard W.4.4: Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the sequence of events.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Vocabulary Fashion Show
Inspired by Debra Frasier's clever vocabulary fair from her book, Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster, individual students will imagine what a vocabulary fashion show would be like. Assuming the role of a fashion show announcer,...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Teaching Students to Compose a Power Paragraph [Pdf]
This PDF lesson, POWER PARAGRAPH, focuses on analysis and will also help students to understand structure in a paragraph. The "power" concept teaches the students to organize their sentences according to different levels of importance....
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: 6 Traits Post It Notes for Revision and Editing [Pdf]
This is a printable page of checklists that students can use during revision and editing of descriptive and narrative writing.
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online
Literacy Education Online (or LEO) is a great place to start if you need help with your writing. The homepage is organized around kinds of problems or questions you might have concerning your writing. Find your problem, click on the...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: On Paragraphs
A comprehensive approach to writing coherent paragraphs and knowing how to transition between paragraphs.
LD Online
Ld Online: Writing Individualized Educational Programs for Success
A very thorough article on the process of developing useful and legally correct IEPs. Author identifies a better approach that focuses only on the special needs of the child and how those needs are to be addressed.
University of Oregon
Pizzaz, Creative Writing & Storytelling: Storytelling Boxes
This PIZZAZ instructional activity allows learners the opportunity to engage in the small group task of audio-storytelling or video storytelling, after being given a shoebox filled with symbols and unique items.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concluding Transition Words
This lesson goes over conclusion transition words and how they are used. It is one of three titled "Concluding Transition Words."
Tidewater Community College: Writing Center: Transitions and Connectors
This site provides a list of conjunctions, separated into categories such as "Addition," "Alternatives," and "Cause and Effect," plus more.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Ionic Compounds: Binary Compound Names With Transition Metals: Lesson 4
This lesson will demonstrate how to write a chemical formula for a binary ionic compound that includes a transition metal. It is 4 of 4 in the series titled "Ionic Compounds: Formulas from Binary Compound Names with Transition Metals."
Indiana University
Indiana University East: Writing Center: Transitions: Understanding Signal Words
This resource page provides nine lists of signal words and what they mean. Covers words that show time, addition, contrast, comparison, illustration, location, cause and effect, conclusion or summary, and emphasis or clarification.
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Logical Fallacies
This site from the St. Cloud State University provides many links in this index with general writing help. Under "Development" you'll find "Sensory Details." Under "Logical Fallicies" you'll find a link by the same name. Look under...
Wet Feet: Interning: Preparing for a Smooth Transition
An article about finding the right type of internship to match ones skills and professional interests.
Tidewater Community College: Writing Center: Coordinating Conjunctions
This site offers a good explanation of coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions. Provides several charts identifying various conjunctions and their meanings.
Read Write Think: Power Point Tool Tips
Printable directions on how to work within PowerPoint to do things like change the template, change slide colors, add and manipulate clip art, add animations, set transitions between slides, and change text on action buttons. Directions...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Punctuation Between 2 Independent Clauses
What is the correct punctuation between two independent clauses? Use this site to learn more about the rules to follow.
Tidewater Community College: Writing Center: Grammar Guidelines
Get a collection of self-help handouts on different parts of speech and common usage topics.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Ottawa: The Writing Center: Verbals
After a discussion and explanation of verbals in general, this site specifically discusses the gerund and the participle (with a link to the infinitive) and also provides examples of each.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Shaping Information: Ordering Information and Outlining
Discusses finding a logical order for the ideas you wish to present in your essay. Uses samples to show how changing the position of the topic sentence changes the emphasis. Briefly touches on transitions. Then discusses the outline as...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Ionic Compounds
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students investigate ionic compounds, and learn how to write chemical formulas for them.