Edutopia: Urban Academy: Where Testing Is Anything but Standard
Project-based assessments that give an indication of students' skills and competencies are a central part of this profiled school.
Edutopia: Measuring What Counts: Memorization Versus Understanding
The author considers a situation from her own math classroom that lead her to re-evaluate her ideas about assessment. She follows with advice for developing what she calls "applied learning" in the classroom.
Edutopia: New Skills for a New Century
Doing Project Based Learning in schools is one way to prepare students for life in a new century. The article explains the basis for PBL in schools.
Edutopia: Redefining the Role of the Teacher
This article from Edutopia focuses on how students learn in the classroom. It discusses the shift in teaching from lecture-based in favor of student directed instruction.
Edutopia: Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology
A list of 10 relevant tips how the educators of Forest Lake Elementary deploy a powerful array of digital-technology tools to challenge and support each child at his or her own level.
Edutopia: Common Ground: Teaching Kids the Benefits of Working Together
Article discusses how cooperative learning helps create the essential skill of working (and compromising) within a group.
Edutopia: The Kentucky Derby, Springboard to Lessons in American Culture
The Kentucky Derby offers many opportunities for teaching students about American culture and history. Numerous ideas are suggested here for engaging students in this American tradition. (Date of article: 4/30/10)
Edutopia: Clowning Around
Insightful article offering advice about understanding and successfully handling a "class clown." Also includes common mistakes teachers make in dealing with this type of student. Available in PDF format.
Edutopia: Establishing a Culture of Questioning
This article discusses establishing a culture of questioning. When students consistently ask meaningful questions, they get comfortable taking the risks that lead to learning. SL.11-12.1c Questions/Part
Edutopia: The Five Features of Science Inquiry: How Do You Know?
Teaching science through science inquiry is the cornerstone of good teaching. Teaching science through science inquiry is the cornerstone of good teaching. Unfortunately, an inquiry-approach to teaching science is not the norm in schools...
Edutopia: 5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners
The following blog gives techniques to encourage more questioning in the classroom environment.
Edutopia: Teaching Students How to Ask Productive Questions
This article gives insight into how to improve engagement, comprehension, and critical thinking by teaching students the process of asking insightful questions. Included is a comprehensive, metacognitive framework of questioning skills...
Edutopia: How to Use Play for Learning
Play is a primary and integral mode through which children make sense of the world, and that it is essential to their development and well-being. This article offers ideas on how to balance play and academic expectations in your classroom.
Edutopia: Making Digital Communications Accessible
This article is intended to provide guidance to educators on how to make their digital content accessible to families with many different needs, but the suggestions can also help students understand how to make their own content...
Edutopia: Common Core in Action: 10 Visual Literacy Strategies
Explicitly teach a collection of competencies that will help students think through, think about, and think with pictures.
Edutopia: Common Core in Action: Teaching Online Ethics
Looking at the responsible use of intellectual property is one key element of digital citizenship that can be connected to eighth grade Common Core Standards. How do we as educators help students respect other people's work and not abuse...
Edutopia: K 5 I Pad Apps for Evaluating Evaluation
The cognitive domain Evaluating focuses on skills necessary to judge the value of ideas, techniques, products, or solutions. Students must evaluate the credibility or functionality of given content with clearly defined criteria and...
Edutopia: Room to Learn: Mystery Science Theatre
Read and see examples of how one physics teacher turns his classroom into a student-centered, project-based and fun place to be.
Edutopia: Teaching Your Students How to Have a Conversation
While it is impossible to know all of the reasons, there is no doubt that learning to listen and talk is an extremely important way to broaden knowledge, enhance understanding and build community. Perhaps this is why the core standards...
Edutopia: Media Smarts: Students Evolve From Consumers to Critics and Creator
This article from Edutopia offers an overview of both the importance of media literacy and some innovative examples of teaching media literacy.