McGraw Hill
Escape Velocity Interactive
How hard do you need to throw a ball in the air so that it never returns? Scientists call this measure the escape velocity. Classes can explore this concept through an intriguing interactive lesson. Pupils adjust velocities and observe...
McGraw Hill
Eclipse Interactive
Give your classes a visual model of a rare phenomenon. Learners use an interactive activity to explore the connection of location, tilt, and size to the occurrence of an eclipse. Pupils consider both solar and lunar eclipses throughout...
McGraw Hill
Binary Stars Interactive
A celestial body's distance from Earth makes studying its characteristics much more difficult. Learn how scientists use indirect measures to determine the size of stars. The interactive activity has individuals adjust the size of binary...
McGraw Hill
Lunar Phases Interactive
View the moon changes from space while simultaneously experiencing the changes on Earth. A creative lesson allows pupils to view the big picture as they watch the orbit of the moon through a calendar period. At the same time, they see...
McGraw Hill
Kepler's Third Law Interactive
Common sense says that the farther a planet is from the sun, the longer the orbit. Kepler turned common sense into his third law by quantifying this relationship. Classes explore Kepler's Third Law through an interactive tutorial. They...
McGraw Hill
Gravitational Lensing Interactive
Investigate light in space as it encounters a large mass of matter. Learners discover the idea of gravitational lensing through an interactive activity. They adjust the size and location of the mass to see the effect on the path of...
McGraw Hill
Extra Solar Planets Interactive
Studying what you can't see can be challenging. Discover how scientists use indirect measurements to prove the existence of planets and estimate their sizes. The introduction explains the symbiotic movement of planets and stars during an...
McGraw Hill
Doppler Shift Interactive
Ever wonder why a siren sounds different when it's coming toward you than when it's going away from you? It all depends on the motion of the sound waves! The interactive activity demonstrates how the Doppler effect impacts the motion of...
McGraw Hill
Metric Units of Weight and Volume
Getting the right measurements can save a lot of time and money in the real world. Learners are introduced to unit conversion and how to accurately go from one unit to another. The first pages are notes and then the packet finishes with...
McGraw Hill
The Units of the English System
Go from feet to inches to yards and back again with this notes and worksheet combo resource. Several pages of examples regarding unit conversion of the English system are given, followed by different pages of problems. There is a nice...
McGraw Hill
After reviewing characteristics of seven types of triangles, young geometers discover how to find the missing angle of a triangle. Then, they practice identifying triangles, find missing angles, and find missing side lengths of...
McGraw Hill
Lines and Angles
Why was the obtuse angle upset? Because it was never right! A valuable resource is loaded with background information on types of angles and lines. Learners review the characteristics of parallel, perpendicular, and...
McGraw Hill
Writing Prompts, Student Rubrics, and Sample Responses
Whether you are teaching mainstream, advanced, or intervention language arts classes, you will find something helpful in a thorough writing packet. It includes prompts, rubrics, responses, helpful hints, graphic organizers, and many...
McGraw Hill
Vocabulary Power
Augment your language arts units with a set of vocabulary worksheets. The packet is an excellent support to your vocabulary instruction that covers a variety of skills, including context clues, Greek and Latin roots, reference materials,...
McGraw Hill
Study Guide for The Scarlet Letter
How does or society punish people who break the law? What effect does guilt have on a person's life? In what way does or society demand we conform to certain conventions? Such questions, found in this study guide, are sure to...
McGraw Hill
Are spiders related to crabs? Study the order of arthropods with a reading selection about animal diversity. It provides details about each class within the order, as well as vivid pictures and explanatory charts.
McGraw Hill
Classroom Rules Sample and Suggestion
Set up your class with a strong foundation by creating a clear set of class rules. This document provides suggestions for phrasing and distributing class rules as well as list of rules you might try out.
McGraw Hill
Grammar Practice Workbook
To an English teacher, the only sound worse than nails on a chalkboard is a student using improper grammar. Make poor grammar a problem of the past with this extensive collection of worksheets that covers...
McGraw Hill
Irregular Verbs
It's no secret that the English language doesn't always follow clear sets of rules. Help your class adapt to these inconsistencies with this collection of grammar worksheets that teaches children the past tense form of many...
McGraw Hill
Grammar Practice Workbook
Make sure your pupils exercise their grammar muscles with this collection of worksheets. Organized into units, the packet covers everything from the parts of speech to sentence structure to punctuation.
McGraw Hill
Adding and Subtracting Radicals
Help remove some of the confusion surrounding the addition and subtraction of radical numbers with this set skills practice problems. Taken straight from the pages of a math text book, this resource provides learners with...
McGraw Hill
Study Guide for Hatchet
Use this packet as a companion to your study of Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. The resource breaks the novel up into several chunks, and for each chunk provides activities, background information, vocabulary, graphic organizers, and response...
McGraw Hill
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers
Adding and subtracting mixed numbers will be a breeze with this guided activity packet. Learners work through examples outlining each step including rewriting mixed numbers as improper fractions, adding numerators, and rewriting the sum...
McGraw Hill
Determine the Meaning of Words and Phrases
Work on using context clues in your social studies class. Pupils read a brief selection about the terrain in Senegal and define each of the underlined words in the space provided. They also list the context clues that helped them...