Mr Gym
British Warm-Up Tag
British warm-up tag is a team dodgeball game. One ball, two teams. Run away from the person who has the ball in his hand to avoid being hit by the ball and eliminated from the game. If you have the ball in your hands, you may not...
Mr Gym
Tunnel Tag
Tunnel tag requires players to form some kind of tunnel when they are tagged. In order to become unfrozen from being tagged, another player has to go through the tunnel they formed. There are several examples of tunnels that a player can...
Mr Gym
Nuke Walk
Take a look at this cooperative learning activity. The goal of the activity is to transport nuclear waste (a cup of water) from point A to point B without spilling the toxic waste. There are several ideas given here for things to use to...
Mr Gym
Switch, Change, Rotate
Switch, change, rotate! Players are in groups of three scattered around the playing area. Switch means the lead and back players change positions. Change means the entire group turns and goes in the opposite direction. Rotate means the...
Mr Gym
Giants, Wizards, Elves
This game is a combination of tag and the rock, paper, scissors game. Giants beat elves, elves beat wizards, and wizards beat giants. The set-up determines who becomes the taggers and who is trying to run back to safety.
Mr Gym
Steal the Treasure (Soccer Style)
Soccer players will be running around practicing their dribbling skills without even thinking about what they are doing. As they are dribbling to their Hula-Hoop, they will be honing their ball-control skills to keep other players from...
Mr Gym
Circle Hockey
I imagine this game to be much like the game of steal the bacon. There are two teams, each with corresponding numbers. Three numbers are called out and those players become the active participants. There are six hockey sticks, a puck,...
Mr Gym
Homerun Derby
Batter up! "Homerun Derby" is an activity to practice hitting a ball with a bat. Younger players should use a batting tee. Older players could have their own team pitcher or an opposing team pitcher. The goal is to just hit the ball for...
Mr Gym
Twenty-One is a basketball game of skill practice. Most of the practice happens to be shooting baskets from the free-throw line. Three to five players are at a basket, and the rules are simple to follow. When a player makes a shot from...
Mr Gym
Almost Infinite Circle
It will be fun watching your learners try to figure out how to get undone from this almost infinite circle. They will bend and twist and turn and try all sorts of ways to get separated. Most will not be able to figure out how to get...
Mr Gym
Four Square
Here's your basic four square game. A short description of how to play the game as well as what constitutes a foul. If one commits a foul, then that player is out and goes to the end of the line. I recommend having more than one four...
Mr Gym
Stepping Stone
Challenge your learners to cross a piranha-infested river. Actually, it's just the gym floor, and they are trying to get from point A to point B, but the story makes it a more interesting challenge. Each group has two mats a given...