Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: The Escalator, Assessment Variation [Pdf]
Use this assessment to track students understanding of ratios and rates.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Riding at a Constant Speed [Pdf]
Assess students understanding of proportional relationships with this assessment using speed.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Fishing Adventures [Pdf]
Students use a model to define variables, write expressions, create an inequality and then interpreting the results in this lesson.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Art Class [Pdf]
Students demonstrate understanding of proportional relationships when completing an assessment.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Decimal Expansions of Fractions [Pdf]
In this lesson, students explore how fractions convert to decimals.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Profit of a Company [Pdf]
Assess students understanding of three equivalent quadratic expressions with this assessment.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: "Words We Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution"
Lesson plan explores the meaning of the words in the Preamble to the Constitution.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Equations of Lines [Pdf]
In this instructional activity, students are to interpret graphs with equations of lines.
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Delivering the Mail [Pdf]
Assess students learning of linear functions with a summative assessment.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Ela / Literacy Research and Articles
A collection of articles and literature on the Common Core State Standards in ELA / Literacy by grade levels.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Introduction to Ela / Literacy Shifts
This 1-2 hour module provides participants with an introduction to the key shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for ELA / Literacy.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Introduction to Literacy Shifts in Content Areas
This 1-2 hour module provides an introduction to the key shifts required by the CCSS for Literacy in the content areas: history / social studies, science, and technical subjects.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: The Common Core Shifts at a Glance
A document explaining the biggest changes in mathematics and ELA / Literacy and a quick reference card on the shifts.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Introduction to the Math Shifts
This module provides participants with an introduction to the key shifts required by the CCSS for Math. Depending on the activities selected, this module could support up to four hours of Math PD.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Deep Dive Into the Math Shifts
This module fosters a careful understanding of the math Shifts. Participants take a deep dive into the major work of grades K-8, build a deeper understanding of the coherence of the Standards, and work through sample problems that...
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Why the Common Core? How These Standards Are Different
This 1-1.5 hour module provides background information necessary to understanding how the Common Core State Standards play a role in improving education. It answers the question: How are these standards different than the latest versions...
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Common Core 101
A primer for the Common Core State Standards that explains how the Standards were developed and current implementation efforts across the country. Authored by the Alliance for Excellent Education. Common Core 101is a 15-page PDF...
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Using the Ela / Literacy Publishers' Criteria
Through close examination of the Publishers' Criteria in ELA / Literacy for Grades 3-12, this 1-2 hour module intends to give teachers and administrators a deeper understanding of the Standards and their implication for instructional...
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Introductory Videos on the Common Core State Standards
Collection of brief videos introducing the Common Core State Standards.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: Mathematics: Focus by Grade Level
A collection of PDFs detailing the mathematical content emphasized in the Standards by grade level. These can be used as guides to inform instructional decisions regarding time and other resources. Available as single-grade PDFs, or as a...
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Find 1 [Pdf]
Students explore fractions under and over one whole using a number line in this lesson.
Student Achievement Partners
Achieve the Core: I Tunes U Courses, Created by Teachers for Teachers
The iTunes U courses linked to below were developed by a group of classroom teachers to explain the Shifts in ELA / Literacy and mathematics required by the Common Core. Presented in partnership with The Council of Chief State School...