Yummy Math

Curiosity Landed on Mars

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Out of this world math and science are mixed together on a instructional activity that would be a great enrichment activity classrooms that are studying our solar system. The information presented is best suited toward middle school...
Yummy Math

Happy 14th B’ak’tun, the start of the next Great Mayan cycle

For Students 5th - 9th Standards
The ancient Mayans had a complex calendar and number system with a rich history. In fact, the date 12/21/2012 was the center of much controversy as to whether or not it was the end of time. It wasn't the end of time, but...
Yummy Math

Soda Santa

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Santa is the focal point of a worksheet that inquires how many cans and boxes of soda were used to create a supermarket display. As a small group project, the discussions that will ensue to evaluate the task's three questions will...
Yummy Math


For Students 4th - 8th Standards
Brian was devastated when Hostess® filed for bankruptcy, and he was also fearful that his favorite snack treat would be lost forever. The snack food was in danger of being lost, your class won't be lost when using Twinkies® as the...