Auburn University
Auburn University: The Alabama Supreme Court on Slaves
This historical summary covers information on slaves during the mid-19th century in the following areas: Who were Slaves?, Rights and Powers of Ownership, Transfers of Slaves, Hiring of Slaves, Fugitive Slaves, Regulation of Slaves,...
Auburn University
Auburn University: Richard Hakluyt
A fascinating excerpt of Richard Hakluyt's Discourse of Western Planting written in Old English, and dealing with English colonization. Also includes a short biography of the noted English geographer.
Auburn University
Auburn University Archives: Rickenbacker Papers
"Historical Sketch of Eddie Rickenbacker." Includes information on his childhood, his involvement in WWI and WWII, and his life at home. Also includes webpages on his family.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Market Economy Defined
This site is a fairly complete explanation of market economy prepared by Dr. Paul Johnson of Auburn University. It also includes hyperlinks to several related topics.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Depression Defined
This is a very thorough definition of economic depression by Dr. Paul Johnson of Auburn University.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Labor Productivity
This site explains the concept of labor within the free enterprise system. It is a good introduction to connecting labor and productivity. The list of hyperlinks is also a good continuation of related topics.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship
Provides a definitive overview of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship from the point of view of an economist.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Isomerism and Stereochemistry [Pdf]
A PDF format file from the Auburn University that explains stereoisomers.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Fiscal Policy Defined
This definition of fiscal policy, prepared by Dr. Paul Johnson of Auburn University, is a very thorough definition of the concept, including hyperlinks to related topics.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Market
An excellent introduction to the concept of markets. Also includes links to related topics.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Profit
This site provides a good definition of the economic concept of profit prepared by Dr. Paul Johnson of Auburn University.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Scarcity Explained
This is a very thorough definition of scarcity prepared by Dr. Paul Johnson of Auburn University. The site includes hyperlinks to related topics.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Competition Defined
This Auburn University site is a very good explanation of competition, including hyperlinks to related topics such as monopoly and substitute goods.
Auburn University
Auburn University: The "Costs" of a Gold Standard
Take a look at the cost involved in having a gold standard. If you need more information after reading this article, a list of references is provided.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Allocation
A definition is given for allocation in relation to economics.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Progressive Taxes
A definition of what a progressive tax is. Also gives examples of what is considered to be a progressive tax.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Biography
Auburn University provides a biography of the life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Discusses his major themes and poetic style, and analyzes the reasons for the popularity of his work. Contains brief quotations from Longfellow's writings...
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Externality
Dr. Johnson offers a very good description of an externality, both positive and negative, and explains how taxes and subsidies can provide the greatest amount of utility to society when confronted with an externality.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Complementary Goods
This site gives a good definition of "complementary goods" and provides examples. It also explains how when the price of Good A changes, the demand curve for Good B will shift.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Substitute Goods
Dr. Johnson thoroughly explains the concept of "substitute goods," and how a price increase of one good will shift the demand curve for a substitute good.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Derived Demand
Definition and examples of derived demand are provided.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Teaching Letter Recognition
How can you teach your students letter recognition? This site offers insight into this necessary pre-reading skill set. Come and explore this informative resource.
Auburn University
Auburn University: How Children Learn to Read Words
How do children really learn to read words? This resource offers insight into this complicated but exciting journey of putting sounds and words together to learn the joy of reading. Come and discover more.
Auburn University
Auburn University: The Letterbox Lesson
What is the rationale behind the "Letterbox Lesson?" This site reveals how students must understand the phoneme sequence in words in order to decode them. Come and learn more.