Instructional Video

Carlos Vaquerano

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

An 11-minute video shines a spotlight on Carlos Vaquerano, an El Salvadorian who made his way to the United States of America at the age of 15 to escape the dangers that took over his country. Interviews detail how and why Vaquerano left El Salvador and further explain his reasoning for staying in Los Angeles, California. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Run a series during Hispanic Heritage Month that spotlights individuals and their contributions, including Carlos Vaquerano 
  • Conduct a grand conversation after watching the video, facilitate a discussion that challenges learners to think critically about what they took away from the video
  • Task viewers with taking notes and jotting down questions as they watch the video, assign a reflection piece either written or typed then invite pupils to share with their peers
Classroom Considerations
  • Hispanic Heritage Month takes place during September 15-October 15
  • This video contains mature content, preview before playing it in for your class 
  • Carlos Vaquerano is interviewed alongside historians and journalists 
  • Actual footage can be seen throughout the video 
  • Related videos can be found at the bottom of the webpage 
  • None