Curated by
A learning module that begins with "Nice Kids Finish First: Study Finds Social Skills Can Predict Future Success" by Audie Cornish, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online through free teacher and student accounts. Text tools include a dictionary, read-aloud options, a translator, a highlighter, and more. This module also includes paired text options, related media, an answer key, and a parent guide. [Free account registration required for specific tools.]
Additional Tags
interview, news, news grade 9, "nice kids finish first: study finds social skills can predict future success", audie cornish, commonlit, commonlit: nice kids finish first: study finds social skills can predict future, national public radio (npr), nice kids finish first: study finds social skills can predict future success, social skills study, article, informational text, non-prose news, people skills, social responsibility
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 2 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Practice