Lesson Plan

Country's Music

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Jazz, Blue Grass, Hip Hop, Swing. Gospel, R&B, Ragtime, Disco. So many music genres born in the USA. After reading an article about the fate of New Orlean's Jazz after Hurricane Katrina, class members investigate the life cycles of musical genres with roots in the United States. They then share their findings with the class in an oral presentation. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have groups research the 2006 Jazzfest and the current New Orleans music scene
  • Invite the school jazz band to perform for the class
  • Coordinate the research project with the instrumental music instructor
Classroom Considerations
  • The New York Times article was written one week after hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005
  • Requires extra prep time to collect the one minute samples of the five different music genres
  • Each group researches a different genre, the city in which it was born, and the factors that influenced its development
  • The packet includes questions to guide researchers and suggestions for interdisciplinary connections
  • None