Lesson Plan

Don’t Tease Me!

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

 A whole-class discussion sheds light on school bullying and ways to prevent it. Scholars share a moment when they observed or experienced some sort of teasing. Pupils brainstorm ways such behavior can be stopped or prevented.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Offer time with the counselor to gain one-on-one problem-solving or coping skills
  • Gather a collection of books that include peers teasing one another, read one aloud or allow pupils to browse them when time permits
  • Keep responses displayed to remind class members of way to stop bullying
Classroom Considerations
  • The first of two lessons takes a look at teasing
  • This lesson is designed to be team-taught between a classroom teacher and counselor
  • Listen carefully for answers that reveal bullying behavior, take necessary steps to ensure safety
  • Boosts listening and speaking skills
  • Touches on social-emotional learning competencies—social awareness and responsible decision-making
  • Lacks brain breaks and opportunities for movement 
Common Core