Instructional Video

Geography Now! Argentina

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Argentina may be named after the Latin word for silver, but there is precious little of the metal there. A video profile describes its otherwise rich history—and mineral deposits— through glib commentary and helpful maps. Learners discover the geographical wealth of a nation with strong cultural ties to Europe, but with its own sense of nationality. 

12 Views 4 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use the video to simulate discussion on the cultural effects of European colonialism
Classroom Considerations
  • Seventh part of the larger Countries A-Z series of videos
  • Questionable use of the term friend zone may make the video inappropriate for some classroom settings
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Narrator is funny and engaging
  • Helpful graphics and photographs illustrate key concepts
  • None